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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Hello all my friends out there

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while but iI just don't know where the time has gone to lately. A belated Happy New Year to all of you - hope your days are filled with juicy bones and long walks.

Now where to start. First my health. You will be pleased to learn that my scar is now fully healed up and can withstand all the running and rolling I can give it. My little bald patch where the vet shaved me has almost grown back so I am feeling much like my old self again.

The weather has been a mixture since I last wrote. I have been having a great time splashing about in puddles and generally enjoying the stormy weather. I even got to try my paws out on a bit of snow, although it didn't last long. The one thing I am not too keen of is hail stones - it is not a pleasant experience to be pelted with them. I try to keep in the house when we have those.

Of course Christmas has just passed. I got some smashing presents. My mum's nephew Stuart (who calls me Pongo for some reason) gave me a great toy. It is called a wiggly giggly and makes a brilliant noise when you shake it. I have also found you can get a similar noise out of Mum and Dad if you take it over and drop in on them - my how they squeal with delight. I also got a couple of boxes of biscuits (always nice for a snack now and then) and a Christmas stocking full of goodies. I always have to open my presents myself and enjoyed spreading the ripped up paper around the living room - I think it adds to the lived in look that they seem to like. Oh, nearly forgot, my friend Brenda also gave me some balloons as she knows I like to play with them!

I have had my second column published in the twice yearly island newsletter. This time I put in a little quiz for the locals to try. They had to work out the names of some of my pals. I hear it went down a storm. Will have to think of something else for the spring newsletter.

I now also have a lovely new bed. Mum brought it home for me the other day. It is an oval shaped one that I can curl up in and has a lovely furry bit to lie on. It also has a bone shaped pillow but if they think I am daft enough to put my head on that they must be mad. Next thing you know they will think I am clever enough to use the computer, and we can't have them believing that now can we!!!

I found this photograph of me during the summer that I thought I would add - I will try to get them to take one of me if we have some snow and get them published. Also there is one of Mull taken from our back garden last week. The mountains look lovely with the snow on them.

Summer days
Snowy mountains

Look after yourselves my doggie friends.


Posted on Coco's view at 23:06


Lovely to hear from you again, Coco, and what a handsome boy you are! Nice pic of the snowy mountains, too, what a gorgeous view. I'm glad you are treating your humans properly - how kind of you to share your toys! I'm sure they really appreciate your thoughtful behaviour.

Jill from EK

Glad to hear the stitches are out and staying out this time. Hope to get up to see Luing some time. It looks great.

Ben from Glasgow

Hello Coco, you know that man is doing you a great honour calling you Pongo ... Pongo was the father of the 101 Dalmatians, and was married to Perdita - you are famous ...!

soaplady from Pussycat Towers

How's the rest of the menagerie in Luing, Coco?

mjc from NM,USA

hello me old mate,glad to hear from you and glad you got spoilt at xmas. you look good in your photos as does the mountains. as you can see i'm still cooped up in the kennels-its now 19th jan and i've been here[along with 5 cat gang]since 5th december-now i feel the time is oh so llllooonnnngggg'' when is the old dear coming back?? is she coming back???? woofie woofies

oor wullie from still in the b****y kennels

Hello Coco HAPPY NEW YEAR. We were begining to wonder if something terrible had happened to you. Thank goodness you are in fine shape now. Glad to hear Christmas went well. We too had a great time with lots of lovely presents. We got biscuit balls. People fill them with small biscuits, cheese, meat etc and we have to roll them around and try to remove the goodies from the small hole in the top. Charlie starts off with good intentions and chases the thing around the floor, however once he finds the sweeties are not instantly forthcoming he gives up. Barney on the other hand is much smarter and just sits in one spot and passes the ball from paw to paw. As he says there is more than one way to skin a cat, or so the saying goes. So much for New Year resolutions of keeping fit! Photos were lovely. Our mum and dad keep looking for property to buy but so far no luck. Still we might just get to meet up one day. Take care and no more accidents.

Barney and Charlie from keeping fit

'skin a cat' ---- what???? How very dare he! ggrrrr.....

mia from ignoring the rain

As I remember, it was the cat that had the upper paw mia, so I think we can ignore such hubris from mere hounds!

Flying Cat from Chutzpah Cottage

Where is my comment about the cat-skinner being, deservedly, on the forthcoming Honors List? Mugged, again?

mjc from NM,USA

Oh you really shouldn't try so hard mjc!

Flying Cat from my beautiful fur coat

FC, I'll go any length to get the cat-skinner his/her due. Nothing less than the Honors List would do. No reason why a KGB (eh?!) medal should not be so allocated, all because the skinner had no money to loan this political party or that.

mjc from NM,USA

OOPS, seems like we have upset our feline friends! Certainly didn't mean any harm to anyone - SORRY. Hope all this wind and rain isn't causing problems for you. We have been blown off of our feet almost, maybe this is retribution

Barney and Charlie from blowing in the wind

Oh don't apologise dear doggies, we like getting in a fluff. It's part of the feline condition!

Flying Cat from being surprisingly nice to dogs

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