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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Being a good bloggy doggy

As it took me so long to write my last blog, I thought I would give you all a bit of an update today. Mum has been at home all week which has been nice. We have had a few walks together but her back is still hurting, so I have to be gentle with her. I got a bit of a row yesterday - it was raining hard and blowing and I wanted to play 'running up and down the slate heaps'. I kept disappearing and could hear the old dear shouting for me. She wasn't pleased when I finally went back to her. She made me walk alongside her all the way home, which I did to prove that I can be obedient sometimes.

Had a great meet up with some of my pals the other day; Tilly and her visiting friend Gracie were having a walk. We were on our way back from our walk when we met up, so of course I had to have a run around with them. Then, who should appear but Paddy and Fingal. So we all had a bit of a run whilst the humans all gazed on adoringly. Well I think they were - it was a cold day and raining hard so they might have actually been freezing, but I am sure they enjoyed our display.

There are some great spots around the isalnd for perfuming yourself if you are a dog - I had a great roll around on Thursday on my way to the shop. My dad couldn't help but notice how beautiful I smell. Just to ensure I stay perfumed I had another roll in a different spot on Friday - do any of you doggy mates out there like to perfume yourselves?

Well, now it is Sunday and there is talk of Mum going away again. I think I will be going down to Uncle Brian's later on to stay the night - I like staying with him. He doesn't like me to go up on the couch, but I sometimes manage to sneak on when he goes to bed. I always try to behave myself when I am with him - he seems to appreciate it. Maybe he will have my friend Ruby visiting as well - she sometimes gets a bit jealous and tries to snap at me, but it isn't meant.

Well, must go and have a lie down now. Have been busy preparing my next installment for the Luing Newsletter. Have put in a little competition in this issue which I have been working hard on. Just hope these humans appreciate it.

Posted on Coco's view at 13:31


hello mate,so you were in the old dear's bad books? welcome to the club!! my old dear took me and my friend prune for a walk on saturday afternoon(since prune's mistress died last week old dear takes her with us twice a day) well we had a good walk up in the woods,- lovely day old dear in t shirt and shorts,-she said something about spring being in the air- well she let me of the lead---silly thing thought i would stay because of prune-well i would have had i not seen a couple of partrigde so me being me i jad to go and chase them so old dear had to spend half an hour trying to get me to come back--she was NOT happy so i have to keep the lead on again all the time whilst out for walks-maybe one day i will learn(when pigs fly) i'm to old to be bothered to learn i'll be 12 in september and still as fit as a puppy this morning prune and i had a good shower as its just pouring down-we'd have prefered to stay in but old dear insisted we go for our morning walk; How cruel can some mistresses be? I ask you?

oor wullie from in my basket,beside the fire

Right, Coco, since you are a dog perhaps you can explain why you and your fellow dogs love to roll around in smelly stuff? I hope you had a bath before you went visiting.

Jill from EK

Oh dear, it seems like we are all in trouble. Maybe it is because spring is in the air. We had our walk in the park and what a lot of lovely scents there were all around. So Charlie and I just had to investigate. We didn't exactly end up perfumed but we did come out of the bushes covered in autumn debris. I had a twig follow me around for long enough before it decided to go its own way. It was very annoying. Charlie on the other hand or should I say paw looked rather more discheveled and had rotting leaves stuck all over him. We too came across a few friends and went on a little run which was fine until a newcommer appeared. Of course being the friendly sort we are we went to say hello. Unfortunately our new friend was NOT a friend and growled and snarled at us. Our humans promptly snapped on our leads and the fun was over. Do keep up the good work for the newsletter and we are sure your competition will amuse and tax the brains of the people of Luing

Barney and Charlie from Spring is in the air

hey coco,guess what i done after lunch? old dear didn't shut the back door properly so off i went----freedom-i galloped all round the village,then went up over the hill and came home via the next village!! old dear spend two hours driving round looking for me--i don't think she appreciated that,so i think i'd better behave or else!!

oor wullie from in the doghouse

You remind me of someone Oor Wullie...something to do with Settlers...

Flying Cat from mild indigestion


oor wullie from kept on a lead

Rennies, Wullie? (quite right, all d.o.g.s should be kept on a lead, a very tight lead indeed!!)

Flying Cat from full of the Milk of Magnesia

Hi Coco, I'm just back from kennels myself, since Mummy and Daddy were away for Easter. I actually like my kennels and they look after me very well. The other dogs were very sorry to see me go judging from the racket they made when they saw me going. (Either that, or my Dad says that it is because they are so pleased to see the back of me). Came back to find that Glasgow City Council have approved a "Go Ape" Aerial Trail through the woods in Pollok Park despite overwhelming local opposition. How dare they do this to my wood? You are lucky that you don't have to put up with such stupid nonsense in Luing. Mummy and Daddy are furious and doing everything they can to protest. Best regards Ben

Ben from Glasgow

Good for your mum and dad, Ben. I too have registered my protest at this appalling development. I also passed on details to Private Eye but so far nothing has happened. Stupid planning decisions are not limited to Glasgow, it would seem!

Jill from EK

still don't get the joke fc--enlighten me please

oor wullie from still on a lead

still don't get the joke fc--enlighten me please

oor wullie from still on a lead

Please excuse my ignorance but what is a"Go Ape "trail?? Near here in the woods they have a great thing(well i enjoy it) you go from one tree to another like on a combat course only in mid-air with different levels of fitness required,though if this was in a park in a town centre i don't think i would apreciate it!

carol from over here

Sounds like the same kind of thing, Carol, great fun no doubt, but Pollok Park is a "natural" park with lovely woods where you can walk. And the GoApe thing will be very close to the Burrell Collection and will ruin the woodland view from inside. The park was voted "Park of the Year" last year, so now they decide to ruin it? Go figure.

Jill from EK

Well if its the same as over here then i'm against it in a park in a town centre,the one near my place its about three kms out of the village of bagard and it caters for all age groups but the very thought of one been in uzes or nimes town centre--shudder shudder

carol from over here

Dear Wullie, its so long ago I have quite forgotten...might have been something to do with your comment reminding me of a certain (white)settler, Settlers are indigestion tablets...as are Rennies and Milk of Magnesia must have been around in your mama's childhood surely??? These things never look the same when explained...sorry Mr D.o.g. for cluttering up your blog. I'm off before you get your dander up...

Flying Cat from must dash

more news please!

oor wullie from chateau de st.dez

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