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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Battle scars

Hi y'all

Busy busy busy. That's been me. Keeping the local hare population down, chasing the odd rabbit in Balvicar - just the usual kind of stuff in the life of Coco.

Had a bit of run in with a fence last week and tore my shoulder. Of course, it didn't stop me running around and enjoying myself. Dad tried to take me to the vets on Thursday but the ferries were off due to the bad weather. So I soldiered on for another day and then had my visit to the vet on Friday. Now it's not my favourite placeI have to tell you. Dad had to leave me there and then they came at me with a needle and then hey presto, my shoulder is now restitched - looks brill actually. Makes me look like a real hard case I reckon (but all of you know that I am a big softie at heart!) 7 stitches that have to come out in about 10 days and antibiotics. Of course, Mum is away earning the money to pay the bill so all is well on that front. Won't have to go out begging on the streets just yet!

Had a few days away last week in Pitlochry. Mum and Dad went to visit the enchanted forest. Of course, I wasn't allowed to go to the forest at night - that was for humans only. But I had great adventures in the woods during the day. Then they took me to the hotel for the night - very nice too it was. I decided to sleep on top of the bed for a while, then when they kicked me off I tried under the bed. Best bit is licking them awake in the morning - they really seem to appreciate that!

Had a horrible night last Saturday night - they only decided to set off a load of fireworks didn't they. Now this is where being a real hard case kind of comes unstuck - I hate them. They were banging above my head. I tried to get in the bath but that wouldn't make them go away. Mum had to turn the X-factor up a bit to try and disguise the noise. After hearing that I think I preferred the fireworks! Anyway that's the end of them until next year. Thank goodness.

Mum's away again for a couple of weeks so it is just me and dad enjoying our space in the house - him with a small glass of something and me with a piggies ear - bliss. And we don't have to watch Coronation Street whilst she is away.

Won't leave it so long next time - I am hoping Santa might bring me my own laptop so I don't have to sneak in and use the computer that they use but there isn't much hope of that. Suppose it will be a frisbee and a few packets of chews again for me (as long as I get a plentiful supply of the old PE's as well!).

BWFN chums
Posted on Coco's view at 21:23


Nooooo! Coco, you can't kill hares, beautiful mystical beasts that they are. Stick to the nasty pesky grass-stealing bunnies please.

Flying Cat from Mr MacGregor's veg patch

Hi wounded soldier. Stiches really hurt as I (Barney) had to have some in my face as I had a suspect lump which needed cutting out. I really hated the vets and did my best to put him off of treating me. I have to say it didn't work. Charlie had to go for treatment on his teeth, as he forgets to brush them. He too wasn't over keen on the vet but not being a hard case like you and I he just gave in gracefully. Charlie is suffering at the moment with firework fright. They have been going off here constantly for the past 2 weeks. They are really loud and make me jump but don't frighten me. Maybe we should put the pressure on Mum and 'Dad to hurry the move to north of the border, the we wouldn't have to suffer. Take things easy and rest your shoulder, don't chase hares and enjoy your PEs and

Barney and Charlie from From Charlie behind the sofa

wow coco,you are brave:: hope your mum and dad visited the distillary ""edradour" old dear and man with magic fingertips are going mad just thinking of the stuff

oor wullie from waiting for his holidays

Oh Coco, nice to see you yesterday and good fun with me. Your sholder will be better soon.

Rusty from Toberonochy Ghost House

Hi Rusty - great to have a play with you too. As you will testify this injury thing hasn't slowed me down a jot - I am still as mad as a box of frogs (or should I say toads since we have a lot of them here!) Nice to hear from some of me old mates as well - Barney and Charlie you really are going to have to get those humans of yours to move up here. We would have a great time the three of us running round. Put the pressure on boys!

Coco the brave from Anywhere and every hare

Hello Coco, hope you are feeling better! Can't wait to meet you at Christmas when you come to our party. I think we will get on well together, you being like my big brother. wuff wuff Bonnie

Bonnie from Lancashire

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