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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Sailing the seas

Have been very busy over the last few days. Last Wednesday the humans decided it was time to have a few days off, so they packed up and moved us all onto the boat for a few days.

We spent the first night on Loch Aline which is one of my favourite places. My dad always takes me ashore there and I have a good run about. He has to take me ashore because I refuse to undertake my ablutions on board. I have my pride after all. Dad does get a bit fed up of having to ferry me back and forth. Mum suggested they grow a pot of grass for me to 'water' but I would demean myself.

On Thursday we moved up to Tobermory on Mull and went along to the Mull Highland Games. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to enter any of the races taking place - I think they obviously realised I would beat all the other contenders. We got a nice spot to sit overlooking the main field. My Dad was very amused watching some of the not-so heavies trying some of the heavier events. It only rained for a short time and the rest of the time it was very warm. We all had a great day out - thanks Mull.

On Friday we cast off once again. Dad said he had tried to get a bone for me at the excellent butchers in Tobermory, but they didn't have any. It is the best place around for bones (just to let my other doggie mates know). We headed round the top of Mull and stopped off for a short break at Gometra then on to Ulva for the night. Lots of nice walks again. On Saturday we moved further round the coast of Mull and were quite close to Iona and Bunessan. Dad took me to a lovely sandy beach and I had a great run around.

Yesterday we headed for the Garvellachs where Dad and I climbed a hill with some of the beehives in place. Then we up-anchored and on to the Black Isle for the night. Today, we headed back to Cullipool with the humans murmuring that they had to get some bills sorted out. So we are home for a couple of days and then off again, perhaps to Crinan where there is a wooden boat festival on for a few days.

We have visitors coming up at the weekend and Dad hopes to take us all to Jura and Gigha for a few days. I'll be sure to let you all know of my travels!
Posted on Coco's view at 17:48


my old dear is feeling quite homsick reading this blog--she's sniffling--don't know why--does she?

"oor wullie" from under the caravan

dear coco, what a plonka you are.

local cat from luing

It was nice to see you came to play with me this morning. Hope you will enjoy travel weekend. If you see me, let's swim at cullipool!

Rusty from Toberonochy Ghost House

Coco, have you ever posted a picture of your boat? I'd love to see it, since it is so many of your posting.

CVBruce from CA, USA

Hello everyone - still residing in good old Cullipool. Dad has gone off with some of his pals to look at the wooden boats at Crinan today but will be back in time for tea! Strange comment from local cat - can only be put down as jealousy - cats have to stay on land - afraid of water. Identify yourself! Rusty - will surely have a swim with you next time we meet - any excuse to get into the water. Will try and get a picture of dad's boat onto the next blog so you can see what a fine vessel she is. Our Wullie - sorry if your old dear is feeling home sick - we will make sure we appreciate all the wonderful places as much as she clearly does. Keep happy. Woof woofity woof - Coco

Coco from Land based

hello coco,mate,did you see my mugshot that was added to the image gallery-alongside one of the lovely mia,two of the three cat gang pic no5 is me-old dear is hopeless with camera-she needs FC's fpu to teach her,woofie woofies

"oor wullie" from under the caravan'cause its too hot in the sun

Hi "Our Wullie" tried to find your piccies but to no avail - lead me to it pal.

Coco from Confused

Coco,you go onto the IBHQ page and click on to the blog from mia to fc in the beginning there were onle two photos in the image gallery,then old dear added two of our cats and now anne has added my mugshot! woof for now

oor wullie from back in the house

Oh Coco ! how can a plonka of dog, yes a dog! create so much mail, just because you've got a boat, you think you are a somebody, lets remember what you are on this island, you're just one of many muts, and their just as stupid as you. Ok, so you can skate about on your frisbee, you havn't even got any roller skates. Your mammy and daddy put you out of the car and you run behind them they say it's exercise for you, can't you see they don't want you to follow them, thay are trying to get rid of you.One day they will put you out in Glencoe, then will you still think they like you.Down with dogs,prrrr prrrr

local cat from luing

Local cat - you are giving your fellow felines a bad name. I always thought that cats were sleekit - now you have proved it. And get your facts right - I run IN FRONT on our car to show the way - I am not anyone's follower but a born leader. I may be one of many dogs on the island but I am a prince among dogs and many of them look up to me (especially Tilly who is so short!) And I might not have the roller skates yet but I can go a skateboard. What can you do? Sit there and spit venom I suspect.

Coco from Superior on Luing

Hi Coco Glad to hear you have been on your travels and are now back on terrafirma. Much better for doing what you need to do. What a lucky dog you are to be able to go travelling. How jealous the local cat must be of you to say such horrible things like the humans want to leave you behind. The humans we know would never do such a thing and we are sure yours wouldn't either. Don't let the silly cat upset you - down with dogs eh, what about lets get cats! See what local cat thinks now Barney and Charlie

Barney and Charlie from South of the border

that's not a nice thing to say to poor coco--even we moggies whouldn't say that his mum and dadhave thoughts on abondonning him---not all dog owners get fed up and abandon them--ok our old dear would never let oor wullie run behind the car ---too dangerous!but she loves just as much as she loves us moggies,we say down with badly brought up cats and their owners!hiss hiss

three cat gang from feeling angry with local cat

coco you are more stupid than i thought, can't you see if you were a bit slower, you'd be just mincemeat at the side of the road, get a life before its to late. prrr prrr

local cat from luing

More like get a cat before it's too late!

Coco from Growling

Our Wullie - thanks for the lead pal - think your photo is brill. what a lovely looking boy you are (in a very platonic way, you understand). Can even appreciate the pictures of the cats - just need to hunt down and fix this mangy moggie that is bothering me blog at the mo!

Coco from I've seen you

Hi Chaps Just a quick hello and to ask when are you going to get your humans up here again. You must let me know in good time so I can bring my humans to heal and make sure I can meet you. Might also need you to create a diversion whilst I deal with the pesky cat that is pestering me. All I can say to the cat is - remember what happens to hares and rabbits!

Coco from Hi to Barney and Charlie

don't worry,coco,me mate,i know ,old dear knows and even the moggies in the house(3 cat gang) know your mum and dad would never hurt you: if it wasn't for the quarantine we would come and help you run that nasty peice of work of the island! woofie woofies

oor wullie from barking mad after locat on luing

Coco, when you get the Luing cat (a rabbit by another name?), do take a Gigha bite [complaints by readers to be emailed to Arnish who is keeping tab on such]. Come to think of it, Arnish, it's been a while since we have had postings of you and your travels by bus etc. around the islands. I have always enjoyed them: how about some more?

mjc from NM

Blimey O'Reilley!!! This is powerful stuff. I think local cat should be bravecat enough to id itself and not hide behind an alias. Remember, Coco and Chums, sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you. Don't answer vituperation&bile with violence. Rise above these nasty mean-minded snipings and show you are made of better stuff than it.

Flying Cat from goodgriefI'mstandingupfurradug!

Hi there Coco, We havent met (and dont plan to !!) But we are brothers (sort of) of Paddy and Fingal. Uncle Innes is looking after us for a couple of weeks, so please, no unexpected visits! Auntie Mandy might bring the big brothers round for a play! We are very shy folk, and dont like the sound of that 'Local Cat' at all - he has got a massive chip on his shoulder!! Think he must be an incomer!

Smokey and Bandit from Cullipool

thanks fc for putting on a united front against "creepy cat"frae luing! a bit sad that TWS anf getoffthe haven't said anything!! shame on you tws

"oor wullie" and three cat gang from in the shade

Oh you know how shy they are, Carol...

Flying Cat from trying to believe one impossible thing.....

FC: to dream the impossible--no i'll stop!

carol from where its hot and windy

Is that the Mistral? Or am I a) in the wrong country b) in the wrong department or c) the wrong season? Multiple choice questions - a sign of dumbing down on ib...

Flying Cat from just testing

FC: no toady it was what is called the "tramontane" it blows from the pyenees to the italien border. le mistral is the north wind which maybe we will get tomorrow.over here if you wind one day it means really that you have wind for three days as the wind cylce here is always on a three day basis

carol from where the wind has dropped

Hi Coco, they keep looking at property and counting the days until dad retires. We are hoping that when they have a few days of work in a few weeks time we might just come north of the border once again. We will gladly provide a diversion should the need arise and we are in the area. We have been on cat patrol this evening as Ginger Tom has been siting on our fence (how dare he), but mum says we mustn't frighten him as he is probably on rat patrol. We have seen one in our garden and are not impressed. Maybe, just maybe cats can serve a purpose. Have fun from B&C

Barney and Charlie from biding our time

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