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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Well, actually, life is just one big holiday for me. Had a good couple of weeks and firstly have to tell you that I really have been a well behaved boy. These schmucks that I live with just lap it up - keep telling me what a good lad I am. Have only caught two hares recently so my record is really good.

Mum has been away for a couple of weeks which meant getting out on the boat with Dad. It's not that Mum doesn't like going on the boat, it's just that the weather always seems to be better when she is not around and we can get away on our own. Funny that! We took Uncle Brian with us and went up as far as Arisaig. There was a bit of rough water that we had to go through and I have to confess that I was really frightened. I don't like it when the boat rocks at all. I really try to be a very brave boy but I end up quivering like a wreck. Honestly, it doesn't do anything for my image at all. Here's me trying to be Coco the Brave, and I end up looking like Coco the Clown.

Dad's been letting me run to the boat in front of the car. I can run at around 30 mph - he told me that he measured it on the car's speedo. I can actually go a bit faster than that but don't want to lose him in the dust I kick up! Luing's a great place to go running on. My side is now healed from the bite I received - there was a dog visiting the holiday cottage next door to us and it decided to take a bite out of me whilst I was running past. I was actually not going anywhere near it - I was running to my Dad but the dog decided to stop me in my tracks. Just wait if it ever comes back here - I will be ready for it.

Done quite a bit of swimming recently too. The water is really refreshing. I love playing about in it. The humans don't seem to want to wade in with me though. My Mum is getting a bit adventurous with her new shoes. She got Dad to buy her some shoes with holes in for her birthday - honestly, these shopkeepers really see them coming. And like a fool he forked out for them. She reckons they are very comfy and let the water in and out. Dad says they suit her as she is a bit of an old croc!

Yesterday was really warm and Mum and I went down onto the shore and I played with my frisbee. She sat with her feet in a rockpool for a while (strange). I had great fun, then I nearly lost my frisbee. Mum managed to throw stones into the sea to let me see where it was and I bravely swam out for it and managed to retrieve it to the shore. It was great fun. Today is depressing, we have rain. So I thought I would get onto the old computer and update my dogblog.

You may have noticed that I don't do this when Mum is away. The reasons for that are two-fold - I am usually out doing boy things with Dad, ie playing with boats, walking, having fun, and the second reason is Dad doesn't know how to use the computer and I don't want to show off that I do. Us boys have to stick together you know.


PS Forgot to let you know that I am now a published author. I had a column in the last Luing newsletter. I am now the canine correspondent for the island!

Let me out!
Posted on Coco's view at 12:15


helloold mate,glad to see your behaving-i still am 'tho 3 cat gang won't stop bringing pressies for the old dear! your brave going in the water,i'm much,much too scared-i stand,shiver and whimper,everybody laughs but really i don't like it. woofie,woofies for now wullie

"oor wullie" from playing with three cat gang

Hi Our Wullie - don't be frightened going into the water, it's great fun. Don't you get pressies at the same time as your old dear? I'd start doing sit down protests if I were you! Nice to hear from you. Gurrywuff, Coco

Coco the brave from In the water

i don't like the pressies old dear is getting just now:-one from the man with magic you know what--shiny yellow thing with things that sparkle,3 cat gang even brought in a grass snake when she was blocked in bed with a sore back the other day---only she was lying on the bed at the time-with the man with--and local doc there discussing her future op--i'v"e never heard or seen her in such a state--don't think SHE liked that pressie, but i still hate water,and now i hear her say i'm going to go on a long long journey but won't see her till the end of it-i'll be cooped up in acage for 28hrs without getting out and then i'll spnd some time in another cage,in something they call ""quarantine"" for some time--hope they keep 3 cat gang nearby,woofy woofs,wullie

"oor wullie" from getting ready for his monthly bath

I thought notre Wullie would speak fran莽ais...

Flying Cat from sipping cocoa

Please be very careful when running 'along side' your dad's car - My Mum told me a really sad story about her Dad's dog Hamish who was killed under his car wheel one day when doing that 'run along trick' - just a warning - wouldnt like anything bad to happen to you old chap!

Flying Fingal from Cullipool

Nice to see your photo, Coco, you really are a lovely boy. I see you are also now a journalist - today, Island Blogging; tomorrow, the world!

Jill from EK

mais oui FC! bien sur je parle francais! woof woof!!

"oor wullie" from over here

Oor Wullie sitting on his upturned bucket talking French to Fat Boab and PC whatsisiname....it's a picture... tu es un chien intelligent, vraiment!

Flying Cat from Sunday Post

i didnae see pcmurdoch but wee ecks aroon the corner!

"oor wullie" from auchenshoogle

Hi Coco We like your picture, and boy what a good boy you must be these days, being allowed on the sofa. We get in real trouble if we do this. Still we had our chance today as the grown ups were out for the afternoon and left the door to the living room open. Barney played for a while with the sheepskin rug (what with us being border collies) and I run amoke on the sofa. Thankfully we only left a small mark of our misdoings. Sorry to hear some dog took a bite out of you, that was really mean. You must start practicing being coco the brave and letting stangers know what is your patch. Excellent news on the promotion to a journalist and not just a blogger anymore. Your talents know no end.

Barney and Charlie from Bradford

dear barney and charlie,me and the 3 cat gang are alowed on the sofa when the old dear has big loose covers over them,but when people are in to eat/visit,the old dear takes the covers off and then NO WAY do we even go near the sofas! woofie woofies

"oor wullie" from just got off the sofa

FC. for a moggie you are lovely!!! i like moggies a lot!! merci pour ton compliment bow wow,woof woof!

"oor wullie" from out in the rain

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