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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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I have done a very very bad thing. I am not going to go into details but, for anyone who regularly reads the Luing blogs, it won't take much to put 2 and 2 together. The one thing I will say is it doesn't involve sheep.

Suffice to say it nearly caused a divorce in our house. Dad was all for sending me back to the Argyll Animal Aid. Mum was looking on the internet for dog training schools - she nearly booked me into one but Dad said it was too expensive. It would be cheaper to just send me back. I really have put them to the test this time. So, first of all a plea - does anyone out there know of a dog trainer in the Oban locality that can make me behave and listen to what my Mum and Dad say. I really do like living here with them and don't want to go back to the kennels, hoping every day that someone will come and rescue me again.

Other than being a very bad boy I have had a good couple of weeks. Mum was away in Ireland again and then brought Grandma and Auntie back from Lancashire for the weekend. Auntie was sleeping on the settee so we had a constant battle of wits as to who would get the most space and the duvet for the night. I loved wakening her up by licking her ears in the morning - I think she really appreciated that.

We got some lovely chocolate cake delivered by Paddy and Fingal's humans - didn't last long in our house. Don't think Grandma and Auntie even managed to taste a bit.

We also had some new youngsters around. There is a new resident puppy called Lilly who lives in my village - she is very nervous when she sees me but she is really lovely and cute. We also had a visiting lab puppy called Davy - I think he would be great fun to run around with. Hopefully he will be back up to visit us again soon.

Mum says I have to say hello to her friends in Ireland who have been looking at the blog - so hello to Katherine, Matt and Ed - do you want me to come over to work with Mum one time? I'd love to see you all!

Just a short blog today as I really am still ashamed about my behaviour. In fact, I did consider giving up all together but thought I would give it one more shot.
Posted on Coco's view at 13:14


You need a " clicker " or to be able to click/snap your fingers, so that Coco will be brought to your attention. Short, sharp commands are better, like SIT, Stay, Heel etc.If Coco is still playing up, then you must punish him/her, no hitting though, although sometimes a threat does the trick. Let Coco know who is in command, you and not the dog. If you can whistle, then learn the dog your whistle, so that he/she will know your whistle and eventually obey your instructions. These things don't happen overnight, but with a little care and attention, the dog wiil know his/her place in the household. Good luck, dogs can be very loving, and they seem to know/sense when things are not quite right and give you their love..

Tws from Lewis

I hope Coco learns to behave better because this is the nicest...the only nice....dogblog on ib and even I, FC, would miss him if he was Sent Away Forever. I can't imagine what you did Coco that was so bad and didn't involve sheep...(unless {whisper} it was b.i.t.i.n.g.) I think Tws must be some kind of dog whisperer...Robert Redford + hounds, not horses.

Flying Cat from that sinking feeling

rabbit killer need more control and adult supervision and locked up

pj from luing

Hello Coco, it was lovely staying with you, but I did not enjoy the way you woke me up in the morning. I know you have been bad, but I also know you have a lot of potential and I am sure that you will start to behave soon, but maybe with a bit of extra help!! Me and Grandma will be back soon. x

Aunty from Lancashire

Please don't give up, Coco's mum. Coco is such a lovely dog and clearly a very affectionate one. It would break both your hearts to send him back, as he seems to have had an unhappy life before you met him. Good luck with the training, and remember that most dogs settle down a bit as they get older and more secure.

Jill from EK

awww!, poor coco

Me from Luing

Sorry if Coco has offended PJ from Luing but we were all very sorry for what he did. We don't just let him roam at a whim - if he is out on his own it is because he has run off during one of his walks and we can't find him. Rest assured we are taking no chances with him and hope to make him a respected citizen of Luing. He is a lovely dog and we won't be giving up on him without a fight.

Coco's Mum from At my computer

Coco darling.......... I am sending you my love and forgiveness! I know that you cant help your inquisitive nature, and excitement........... I am sure that my wee heart had stopped before you took me for a strole around the village - my dad told the girls that there wasnt a mark on me, so please stop beating yourself up about it and your mum and dad have eaten enough 'humble pie' !! Paddy and Fingal often told me of the fun you lot had together - I have to admit that I was a bit jelous, but here in Bunny Heaven I have lots of Pals to play with.

Elvis (RIP) from Now left the building........... In Bunny Heaven!

coco, did you do what i think you done??if its any consolation to you my dog done that once to a baby bunny and he was on his lead(the dog,not the bunny)!! a field had been dug up the day before and while we were walking wullie dug his nose into the earth ,at the same time i heard the squek-he had a baby brabbit in his mouth-by the time he droppped it the bunny tried to run off,then poor little thing he just keeled over,it didn't have any bite marks on him either,but i don't think you mummy and daddy should put you away because of that. you'll know better next time,won't you??kisses from wullie

carol from feelingsad for coco

If Coco runs off on his walks why not keep him on a long lead until he learns not to ?

V from here

dear v, with some dogs if they are of the lead and they smell game,its very hard to get them to come back to you

carol from feelingsad for coco

I thought you might have had the rabbit for your tea Coco! Seriously, though, I have enjoyed reading about your antics and hope your Mum and Dad don't have to send you away. The suggestions about a clicker and a long lead are both good (although, I find that you can run round people with a long lead and then trip them up!) Also, why does your Mum not get a proper dog whistle? My Dad sometimes uses this to attract my attention if I get lost. The sound carries for some distance and he find this works much better than calling out my name. Good luck.

another naughty boy from glasgow

coco is really a good dog he visit us now and again and when you tell him to leave he go's

pj from luing

Is that all???? A bunny? (As long as it wasn't a pet bunny) Bunnies are VERMIN. Go Coco!!!!

Flying Cat from in a fluff

Sorry FC but it was indeed a pet bunny - Elvis. But as Elvis has sent me a mail from bunny heaven forgiving me I now officially declare this bunny episode closed. I am really trying to be a good boy now.

Coco from The apologetic

Bunny Heaven eh? I like the sound of that...

Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint

Hello - I know this comes a very long time after your "awful deed" Coco (only just read this), but if your humans haven't been in touch with a Canine Behaviourist yet, they should speak to Marion at Oban Veterinary Surgery. We are being helped tremendously by her with our rescued dog.

Christine from Isle of Arran

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