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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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I'm revolting

No, I don't mean that I have suddenly become less adorable overnight. I mean, I am protesting. I am protesting against these so called caring humans who think they can keep me in when I need to be out, free, running about. So my current plan of action is the sit down protest. Yes, that's right. Just when they get back to the back gate and think I am dutifully beside them, they turn around and I am sitting down about 200 yards away. I don't make any fuss, this is a peaceful protest. I just sit down and refuse to move another inch until they come back and make a fuss of me. So far it has earned me several 'biccies', a few runs after my favourite burst buoy, and one row from my Dad who was hurrying out to do his Fred Astaire bit last night and didn't seem amused at my antics.

Overall I have been a very good boy over the last two weeks. She was away again so it was great - me and Dad lying on the couch in the evenings, watching the telly - none of your soaps on when she is away. We watch TV that men and their dogs appreciate - documentaries, building houses and Dad's favourite programme featuring a bloke called Norm Abraham who makes things out of wood. Dad just looks wistfully at the size of Norm's workshop and all his gear - I have tried to tell him that size isn't important but he doesn't believe me. The best bit of each evening is when I get my treat - my piggies ear. They are great; very crunchy and tasty. Always give me a bit of a thirst though. It is the best bit of the day, give me a piggies ear and I am a very happy boy.

As it was rainy whilst she was away we (me and Dad) decided to get on with a bit of renovation in the house. We built a lovely fireplace in the living room. I supervised of course - let him think he knew what he was doing, you know the kind of thing.

We had lots of walks together but the weather was too bad to go out on the boat. I got to stay at Uncle Brian's for the night when Dad went down to Glasgow to collect her - no presents brought back for me again! I really must try to train her better.

It was great weather over the last weekend and mum took me for a couple of good walks on Saturday and Sunday - poor old thing, I didn't think her legs were going to keep going all the way back home. We went down to the pond where Dad keeps the boat and I jumped into the water after rocks she was throwing for me. That woke Dad up on the boat (he was supposed to be working) and he rowed back ashore to us. I did actually swim out to him and then followed the dinghy back in. I love swimming, but I love shaking all the water off me onto them even better! Just get your timing right and your away - water expelled off your coat and she is drookit - pure genius.

I must get them to take some more photos of me to put on my blog - I really am very photogenic you know.

Well that's all for now. Will go for a kip now and dream of my next piggies ear. It's a dog's life you know......
Posted on Coco's view at 15:26


I knew you weren't revolting, not like a certain F***ing C*t hereabouts. I wouldn't eat too many piggies ears Coco, as Pork and doggies don't mix very well. Have you ever seen a tin of Dog food with Pork in it? Or maybe you have, if so I'd like to know please. Take care now.

Getoffthe from Thewhitesettlersfunpalace

You're revolting? Oh well, take a bath and you'll feel better. # Oh, you are merely staging a sit-in, not planning to attend a subversive madrassah in n. Pakistan or Yemen. Will you be sitting at the counter or on the floor (sit-ins are steadier when the rear end meets the plank)? Do you plan to take constitutional breaks? # By the way, have you gone through a few windows yet? No? What are you waiting for?! Or all you all guff and no go? If you don't watch out, you'll end up being reincarnated as a cat, so help me ...

mjc from NM,USA

dear coco, you are sounding like ""oor wullie""he ,when he goes for his daily hike is always on a lead,otherwise---- its because mummy and daddy love you or so we say--

carol from france,

Watch it Tws I'm on asterisk count here and I can see how rude you're being don't think you can get away with a thing this c*t's on your tail! And I'll have you know I think Coco is a very fine hound indeed unlike some selfish d.o.g.s and sofahoggers!

Flying Cat from Coco's Fan Club - Rolling Acres Branch

Oops, maths isn't one of Gwtoffthe's strong points Fc. Will make sure that her teacher knows about this when she gets in from school ( Little Herself is the teacher )

Tws from The kennel of Tranquility

oops, it seems that seeing or hitting the correct key is not one of my strong points. I better read this back for any mincesteaks. Nope good, submit comment. Apologies to Coco ( the dog and not the clown ) for using his blog to do whatever it is I'm doing here. I appear to be apologising quite a lot, just good manners.

Tws from Waitingforeyedoctor

Coco, cheer up, me and grandma will soon be visiting you and we can have lots of fun and you can show me around the island!!

Aunty from Lancashire

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