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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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SOS for Paddy and Fingal

Boys, have to make this short - just using the computer before they get back. I need your help. They have sussed us out. They have CHANGED THE DOOR HANDLE on the BACK DOOR. My only means of escape has now been scuppered by the placing of a round door knob.

Boys, what can we do - do you think it is worth starting a tunnel in your garden, and I'll start one in mine and see if we can meet in the middle. Will we have to get a STAG appraisal done before we start to dig though.....?!?

I'm depending on you boys to help me hatch an escape plan.

Posted on Coco's view at 18:48


Speed is of the essence, telepathy works. Being a contortionist too, is of benefit, in the ability of squeezing through the smallest aperture, think Coco, think.

Rex from Coll

coco, its seems you are not as intelligent as marmaduke my first cat-a big lovely ginger and white neutered cat. he used to stand on his back paws and use his front ones to turn round door nobs!! the first time we saw him do that we all sat there gobsmacked!! after that we got used to him doing it and even took photos to proove to family in scotland what a genius he was-so start traing coco

carol from france

Right there are round handles here too, I find that jumping up and giving it a doink with your paw several times does the trick Coco. Good luck, but keep away from the sheep, if any come near you, just do what Tws does and shout " Mint Sauce" at them.

Getoffthe from lyinginthesunatTwsfunhouse

Forget all that dexterity training, Coco. Use your brains (for once). Have you tried the windows? No, I don't mean opening them! I meant: make an opening through them. All you do is take a flying start and through the windows you go. A few broken windows later, bipeds will open both front and rear doors for you the moment you happen to glance at a window. What are they feeding you in Luing? You need a red meat diet to fire up those little grey cells.

mjc from NM,USA

Thanks for the tips guys and gals will give anything/everything a shot. I can't believe that they could be so underhand - how very dare they!

Coco from Now starring in the Prisoner

I'm sure you have nothing to worry about Coco. Just get up a petition and send it to TB, 10 Downing Street, London and before you know it, Tony will be personally on your case and you'll be free before you can bark 'Ahmadinnerjacket.' {did you see what I did there Tws?} Well ok, it may be a while. Just hang in there....

Flying Cat from Alert but not alarmed

Coco mate, sorry to let you down but we were away! We will start digging from our end, but doubt we will be able to make much headway through the slate! What about the chimney??? We are captive most of the day too (although Fingal gets to go to work with Mum) and our door is LOCKED so that we cant get out (how mean is that!) See ya soon mate.....

Paddy and Fingal from The Village

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