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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Baa-d days

Well, after my adventure last Saturday I have had a quieter week. Sunday didn't do much, just rooted round my favourite haunts; the shore, the quarry, the village.

On Monday I am ashamed to say I was a very baa-d boy. Yes, folks, they got the better of my - I ran after the sheep. Now you all think it is because that's what dogs do, but I understand what they are saying - and I wasn't taking cheek like that off a load of balls of wool with legs. However, I got a severe row from my Mum and now I am being kept on the lead when any of them are about - which only makes them laugh at me all the more. I really don't know what got into me - it was like a white mist descending on me and before I knew it I was running. Am now going to adopt the 'I can't see you' attitude whenever they are around.

Tuesday I was walked to and from the shop on the lead which I really minded because I like to explore as I go along the island. She doesn't understand that a dog has needs as well. I suppose it was because of the incident yesterday. I don't know how she is going to trust me again - I will just have to prove what a good boy I can be.

Wednesday was great - I got to go with Dad to work because she was in Oban for the day. It was great, I got to stay in the workshop with him and watch what he was doing. In fact I think I could probably repair decks on boats by myself now but he doesn't seem to want to trust me with the drill. Doesn't he know that I am nearly 21 when converting from dog to human years. I should be nearly out of my apprenticeship by now. Anyway, we had a grand time me and Dad without any silly females to upset the balance. When we got back home we went out for a walk and I took my frisbee with me. Now I have to tell you I am rather good on the old frisbee - I put my front paws into it and scoot along the ground. I managed to go from the old ruin behind our house right along to where the land starts going uphill. I even aquaplaned through a variety of puddles. The poor humans really do seem to think it is amusing to watch. I then took the frisbee down to the sea to slide into the water. Then the unspeakable happened, a blooming big wave came and took it out to sea. I tried to swim out and get it but then an even bigger wave rolled me over and I had to run back to the shore. I was really sorry to see my favourite yellow frisbee disappear. Don't know what I am going to play with now...

Thursday, Dad didn't go over to Balvicar today so I was able to supervise goings on in his shed. It is great when he is here because I get loads more walks. However, I did get a great present from my Mum. When we went to the shop she bought me a new frisbee - to replace my loss of yesterday. This one is green and already has plenty of teeth marks in it. Tested it for scoot-ability and it works like a dream. Will try not to lose it in the sea this time!

Friday and Saturday have been wet days which really depress me. The humans just don't seem to want to go out an play as much. Saturday morning I thought it would be good to have a game of hide and seek with Dad. He took me out just after 7:00 in the morning as usual and when we were nearly back home I decided to hide. He spent a bit of time looking for me and the next thing I know he is driving his car through the village. Told me later he had been as far as the shop and back. I was just hiding nearby and leapt out when he got home. Wanted to carry on playing but he made me go back into the house - spoilsport.

Will hopefully have a bit more to tell you all next week as I am going to be at work with Dad all week. Mum is going away again. I have to travel down to Glasgow with them in the car tomorrow as Uncle Brian is also away - what is it with these people? Don't they know how great it is to live here. Can't understand the need to keep going away. Anyway, I will try to be a good boy this week and find some entertaining adventures.

BWFN (Bow-wow for now)
Posted on Coco's view at 16:13


my,last weekend you were such a good dog and now you're acting aft like mine does -now you know why ""oor wulie" is always kept on a lead

carol from france

Keep away from the sheep, Coco, humans can get a bit funny about dogs chasing sheep.I don't like frisbees, I prefer tennis balls or footballs, but Tws won't let me have Boys football to play with out the back. Well I'm going back out to lie in the sun, be careful out there, now Coco, we can't lose a dog from here, there's too many c*ts,

Getoffthe from Thewhitesettlersfunhouse

I have to say that my behaviour has improved immensely - there are sheep in abundance around the house and I haven't even given them a second glance. I will show them humans what a good boy I really can be. I even saw a cat last week and didn't chase it - just pranced about a bit to show it how nice I was. I am really trying very hard to be a responsible doggie.

Coco from Being more responsible

Coco, I told you about Baa Lambs and how you have to leave them alone. Grandma is not happy with you and you have to start behaving, as she is threatening to send you to dog borstal!

Aunty from Lancashire

Look out Coco, you don't want to end up at a List D School!

Flying Cat from chasing the hentilags

"I even saw a cat last week and didn't chase it - just pranced about a bit to show it how nice I was" - Coco. # So help me before I blow a gasket: something must have gotten lost in the genetic confusion that gave us Coco. Coco, you did not chase a cat when you had the opportunity to do so? Did you have too many matzoh balls and somehow did not feel up to all that running? "Nice!" What an idea(l)!!

mjc from NM,USA

mjc, sorry if I have upset you by being nice to cats - it's just that they always seem to look like they are ready to scratch my eyes out and I am a bit scared of them. There, I've said it. I've admitted it. Please don't think any less of me - I am a true dog in every other way. Just to clear up on the sheep thing as well - I only ran up to them and then was severely reprimanded. Don't want to get the reputation for being a sheep chaser. Now if we are talking hares then that's a totally different matter......

Coco from I'm really a very nice boy

Oh really, what a slander, as if a well-balanced feline would try to scratch a pup's eyes out. The nose is much handier!

Flying Cat from a high bookshelf

Afraid of cats!?!! What Coco needs is a whopping infusion of testosterone, I should think. Bring back that rabid killer instinct!! WOOOF! # But then, with a name of Coco (mon coco: my darling, at least that was the translation when I was young ... not so long ago [heart rending sigh!]), what is one to expect?!

mjc from NM,USA

yes,the nose is a much more sensible target and also acts as a useful springboard (though I wouldn't recommend that trick with a shar pei)

mia from pondering at the pc

I wouldn't try it with Hooch either, even allowing for good nature and sedentary habits.....you just never know with d.o.g.s. Oh wait a minute, is that what he is, a sharp ei?

Flying Cat from mithering at the mac

... if you could call a shap ei a dog. That's a new wrinkle!! (can you top that, Hyper-B.?)

mjc from NM,USA

Hooch comes, not from rice wine country, but is rather a wee doggie from Bordeaux (as Barebraes will remind you, after scratching you from her honored guests' list. I remember: I have my duckies to think and lick my chops about!! How are the quackers doing, Barebraes?)

mjc from NM,USA

Wasn't AnnieB doing something with black pud and quackers on her blog? Accompanied by a nice drop of Dogue de Bordeaux no doubt...

Flying Cat from Fanny Haddock's back scullery

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