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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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I'm back!

Well, we did have a good couple of days. The first exciting thing to happen was the power went off on Wednesday night. Just as they were settling down to watch some telly. So that meant I got more attention instead - and quite right too!

Thursday we travelled up to Mallaig via Fort William. We kept stopping so I could get out and stretch my legs. When we got to Mallaig the B&B was very comfortable -I loved stretching out on the bed. They kept throwing me off but I never gave up!

I was a very well behaved boy so they have decided they can take me to more away days and nights in the future. I didn't bark at the sound of other guests or anything. I did cause some amusement when I decided to sleep under the bunk beds that were also in their room. There was hardly enough room for me but I just managed to squeeze in. During the night I did manage to creep up onto their bed and steal all the covers from her. Didn't take them from my Dad though (he needs extra warmth at his age).

Friday morning I had a great run along the silver sands of Morar. It was great fun. I kept dashing backwards and forwards, swam in the sea trying to reach seagulls and generally enjoyed myself. I met a couple of friends who also had a run with me but then we had to go our separate ways. I must tell Paddy and Fingal all about it next time I see them - I am sure they could persuade their humans to take them there too. I don't know how it would be for my dear friend Tilly - she is a bit vertically challenged and I think her wee paws would sink into the sand. Her mum and dad would have to keep digging her out.

We came back across the Corran narrows on the ferry - nothing for a well travelled dog like me. Then home after a visit to Tesco - looks like they got some tasty treats for me too!

Today (Saturday) I have had a bit of an adventure. My dad let me out whilst he was chopping some sticks for the fire. Now when I say chopping, that is stretching the truth somewhat. He cuts them up on his circular saw - no muscle development there then! Anyway, whilst he was busy I decided to have a little stroll to myself, see who was about, what was happening. There was a visitor on the island doing some work on the plinths that are to be put up for the Luing Trust so I tagged along with him for a while. Then I saw Dad in his car and tried to follow him - but he didn't see me, so I had to follow the post bus for a while. Next thing I know it is a couple of hours later and I am enjoying the view from Bardrishaig and talking to my new mate Rusty. His Mum was lovely and brought me back down to the shop where my Mum was about to get her paper - all worked out like clockwork. I then decided to race Mum back home by running as fast as I could in front of the car. Stopped off at Paddy and Fingal's - they have a rabbit in their garden which looks delicious to me but I got a row from my Mum for going near it - sorry rabbit.

Spent the rest of the afternoon with my paws up, having a snooze. Glad I am not a cat - just think what they must miss out on!
Posted on Coco's view at 15:14


my you did have have a busy time little boy! glad you behaved yourself

carol from france

A Very Well-behaved Dog is a rare treasure indeed. And I say this as One Who Kens. I'm glad you have found a new rusty friend....have they tried oiling him? Linseed is supposed to be very effective....

Flying Cat from a high bookshelf

Coco darling, you are welcome to visit us anytime so long as you tell your parents where you are going! Also, I must say thank you for not eating our rabbit....or Paddy and Fingal's rabbit, what a good boy you are! I am glad you had a good holiday and I'm sure we will see you again soon xx

Rusty's Mum from Bardrishaig

Ah at last a nice blog, without any cats in it ( apart from the last paragraph, but I'll forgive you for that) how refreshing it is. Trust Fc to be making a comment, more a slanderous anti-dog slur, as my Getoffthe is a well behaved dog and has the rosettes/trophies to prove it. Can the same be said of cats that fly? I shall not be holding my breath, which for any youngsters reading this would be very silly, and not clever or funny.

Thewhitesettler from Inthedoghouse

I am glad to hear you are behaving yourself, not like when you were staying with me and grandma and decided to get lost for the day!! Me and Grandma will be coming up to visit you soon, and we will try to bring you a nice present.

Aunty from Lancashire

I don't like to do genealogical research: so, would Coco reveal his ancestry? Anything exotic, or merely the progeny of Spot and Meg from Shepher's Croft?

mjc from NM,USA

Slanderous? I was merely taking an interest in its shininess and wellbeing!

Flying Cat from a high bookshelf

If you come in to our garden again........... and challenge me through my wire cage....... I may be forced to use my Rabbit Karate on you Coco! I am a black belt you know! And us Tarbert Rabbits are bred to be tough!

Elvis from Paddy and Fingal's Garden

Hi mjc - sorry but alas I don't know who my parents were. The combinations so far include: labrador, collie, greyhound, doberman and probably any other breed you care to mention. It's just nice to be such a unique individual!

Coco from Parentage unknown

Mongrels Rool Ok! I knew my maw briefly, but paw had other fish to fry......

Flying Cat from a mixed bag

Thanks for the info. Coco. Unique, unusual etc., not to mention well behaved and intelligent. Do you chase cats in your spare time? Intelligent dogs usually do.

mjc from NM,USA

Elvis, I am so sorry I frightened you and left you "all shook up". I am going to have to behave myself or I might end up doing a "Jailhouse Rock". It's just that I am a bit of a "Hound Dog" and I wanted you to be my "Teddy Bear" but now I can see that the only place for me and my bad behaviour is "Heartbreak Hotel".........

Coco from Head held down in shame

Meaow!! Tws is going to love this. A veritable treasury of ancient songs. He'll be dancing in his Blue Suede Shoes! I never knew Elvis was a bunny though....

Flying Cat from ancient music compendium

No shame Coco, it's a natural thing for a dog to do, like chasing c*ts.

Tws from Lovemetender

Cots? Why would a d.o.g. chase cots?

Flying Cat from Froggie Heaven

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