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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Something is going on

Just had to let you know that we have had an exciting morning. It is Dad's birthday. I can't say how old he is as he seems a bit sensitive about it, but I think he will be getting his free ferry pass in the post soon!

I helped him unwrap his presents - I am great at pulling off all the paper and then ripping it up and distributing it all over the living room. They seem to think it is great fun, so I ripped up all the envelopes his cards came in. He wouldn't let me help into the Thorntons box of goodies though - meanie.

I've a feeling that there is something else going on today that he doesn't know about - Mum has been making lots of arrangements and keeping secrets. I think it may involve a visit to the hall later on today - I am going to put in an appearance hopefully!

Watch this space!
Posted on Coco's view at 10:20


Happy All-island Birthday to Coco's old Dad! (All humans, apart from babybipeds, are practically pre-historic to us animammals.....)

Flying Cat from bursting out of a Big Cake

Thanks for wishing my Dad a happy birthday - he had a great surprise party. Didn't know a thing about it, poor soul, until he walked into the Hall. He did take it very well though and thoroughly enjoyed himself. It was a joint party for him and a lady called Pam - doesn't own a dog but does have a cat. Brought it home to the humans just how 'at home' they are on the island and how great this community is. Of course bringing me here was a pivotal point - people just think I am adorable and have to come and talk to me, which gives the humans a chance to get to know each other too!

Coco from Dad's birthday

I am glad you all had a good time. I expect the cat was on a leash?

mjc from NM,USA


Flying Cat from in a fluff

Our 'family' all went to the surprise party and had a great time - pity us boys were not invited, we could have helped with the buffet! The staggered home in the early hours and woke us up! Cheek! They kept going on and on about what a great time they had.......... Not as good as the fun we have though! We will be round for a play soon!

Paddy and Fingal from The Village

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