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16 October 2014

Coco's view

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Gosh - I'm overwhelmed

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you for all your kind messages. I didn't realise what an impression I make on people. Of course I know I am handsome, clever, adorable etc, but to realise I have such a public out there - well its kinda touching.

Started the week quite well. She was away again (I am not sure where she goes but Dad and I enjoy having the house to ourselves!). When she is away that means that I can go to work with Dad. I am an apprentice boatbuilder at the moment. I know I am kind of young but I can make really nice pawprint motif's in almost set fibreglass which I think both Dad and the owners appreciate. You never know when I am really famous they could be worth a fortune. Just don't know how they would manage to cut holes in a boat without damaging it (the paw print imprint I mean!).

I have been trying to con Dad that I am really good and listen to what he says. Both days this week I took notice of him and did what I was told whilst we were over at Balvicar. Little does he know that the next time I go over I will be off like a shot - its good to keep him on his toes. I also find an important part of training humans is to make them think they are in charge - poor souls, they really are deluded!

On Tuesday night I got to go and stay with my Uncle Brian (yes, he thinks I should call him that too!) down in Toberonochy. I have my own chair in his house that I use during the evening then, when he goes to bed, its straight to the sofa to stretch out. I spent most of Wednesday just lazing about in Brian's garden - a very nice garden it is too. If only he would give me the odd bone or two I could help him dig it up - I am very good at burying my bones.

Thursday I was confined to barracks - she is back so I have to stay at home with her. I suppose it gives her a bit of company. Anyway, she only leaves me for a few hours whilst she disappears to Oban with a "I can't take you with me as I am going to the hairdressers". Now I am no expert but as far as I can see the only thing she has done is to dye her coat - funny fur they have, these humans. They seem to be predominantly bald with just a patch on the top of their head. Even that patch can be less in some than others! Anyway when she returned I was really pleased to see her which meant she took me for a walk straight away. There was a collie dog visiting the village that was playing in the sea so I went down and showed off a bit then I saw Tilly in the distance so I raced off to see her.

Today I met Paddy and Fingal on my walk. Fingal came along with us to the shop where she ties me up whilst she shops. Then she wouldn't let me off the lead in case I went off running with Paddy, Fingal and their cousin Kerry - she is really nice. When we got to her house I just leapt over the fence - showing off to Fingal actually. There isn't a fence or wall on Luing that can stop me - I really am Coco the Wonder Dog!
Posted on Coco's view at 17:32


"I also find an important part of training humans....." mia lookit this! It could have been written by a cat! This Coco is a bit different. I wonder if there has been a bit of cross-species hoochmagandie going on on Luing (which I thought was a coo)........nooo...I wish that thought had not coco-popped out. And, the hound count seems to be rising - I thought WE ruled the World, but now I'm having doubts. And, for a d.o.g. it writes very very well. *mrrrrp*

Flying Cat from strangely shaken but not stirred

Well, this must be a first - a cat and a dog having a 'nearly' normal conversation! I can't speak for the goings-on on the island with regards to cross-breeding but, as I am an 'in-comer', I can assure you that there is no feline line to my heritage - the very thought....

Coco from Gazing over to Mull

enjoyed your blog. fc:: be reasured cats rule

carol from france

Obviously some dogs can be quite clever, they've got cats in charge of their upbringing, it's bound to have an effect. I dare say the cat of the house is having a quiet chuckle.

mia from still in charge

It's certainly a first for me! I'm a bit worried the bipeds take it as a sign that the introduction of a d.o.g. would be acceptable..... I must disabuse them of any such delusion forthwith! Sorry Coco; how could I know that implied feline ancestry would be unwelcome.....*prrr*

Flying Cat from alert but not alarmed

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