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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Wind and Wuthering...

I have no idea what wuthering is. But doesn`t it just sound like a wild weather word?
If it means being outdoors in a gale, sandblasted and hail pelted, stumbling backwards trying to keep upright by holding your arms out wide for balance thus looking like a tightrope walker that mislaid their rope..then that`s just the perfect word.
It`s probably a weird English word though, something romantic meaning..um...moody skies and soft balmy winds..kinda thing...
No doubt someone will be able to tell me *grins* cos, yes, am too lazy to look it up today! *pokes out tongue*

Today is an indoor day, the umpteenth day of gale force winds, of stormy weather and the occasional splattering of sleet and hail that is so hard, when it pelts the windows you couldn`t hear a town crier yell, indoors.
I went out to get my cat in..you know how cats are, they train you to do their bidding soon as you `own` them...
so she goes out to do her business but because we have no catflap (can you imagine the wind getting in that!) she then goes round to the livingroom window and sits there, giving me `the glare`..you know the one...it`s surely meant to be hypnotic...it`s multi functional, doing double duty for the orders to `feed me NOW`..but this one means `fetch me in NOW`...so off yours truly goes, at risk of life and limb, out into the freezing cold..and you KNOW that because you`re only going to be a peedie blink you never put your coat on....and I slip my way through the mud the ducks have dragged onto the path to the door, go round the corner of the house to pick up said cat...and get blown flat on me ar..um...behind....*blushes*
And does the cat show the slightest bit of concern? Does she jump down off the windowsill to come see if her owner is injured or dead?
Oh hell, no!
She sits there, I am sure, sniggering quietly, waiting patiently in the gale for me to get creakingly, groaningly up, and go pick her up, where she then gives me the `other glare` which says ` Drop me and I`ll have you mate!` and in I bring her...
she, of course, goes straight to her feeding dish. Nary a word of thanks..sorry, I meant, a miaow of thanks..not even a tiny wee purr....
selfish cat.
Me dog, on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish (yes, this blog is animal flavoured today)..
she gets let out and no matter there`s a wind I cannot stand up in, no matter my teeth are chattering and I`m hugging myself and fidgeting on the spot to keep warm, because I`m an eejit and don`t bother to put a coat on...she bounces all across the garden looking for just THE perfect spot to do her business....it can`t be there, the closest, oh no...or there, where she visited three weeks ago, or there, where there`s a handy wind shelter with the rose hedge...nope, it`s gotta be behind said rose hedge where I can`t see her, as I stand and wait..and wait...and wait..
Then I gotta go find her, so I traipse down the not tiny garden to find out she`s slipped through the fence into the field and is investigating the stone dyke for mice and suchlike things, having fun....
Isn`t it amazing how dogs suddenly turn stone deaf when they are having fun?

Back indoors now, and I`m not shifting from this stove today! I`m cold, had to change cos I got covered in mud, and am glaring back at both cat and dog who just..don`t..care...both are grinning happily, having had their daily dose of fun with the dumb human....
*mutters*..they ought to remember who feeds them......
If it`s stormy where you are, I hope you are all hunkered down nice and cosy like.
Ride it out, the sun will come back one day.
(in that two days of summer we usually get, but hey, am being optimistic here y`know...)
Posted on Hermit Life at 10:39


You were just misreading the look Hermit. What your brave, unselfish (going outside in that weather to pee - so noble!) pussycat was really trying to convey was an appealing neediness and a deep appreciation of all you do for her...I'm sure of it...I've consulted Marmers and he agrees.

Flying Cat from Biped Appreciation Society (Ba's)

Selective deafness - a common affliction among cats and dogs. Happy New Year, Hermit.

Jill from EK

Getoffthe won't go out in the lashing rain, unless it's ( what's the dog equivalent of touching cloth? ) hanging oot her you know what...

Tws from Well Weathered

Selective deafness - a common affliction among cats and dogs .... and husbands!

Not saying from Down here

You can always rely on Tws to go the extra inch...

Flying Cat from ...but never wives...

Just for you, hermit: Wuthering: 1. blowing strongly: describes a wind that blows strongly and makes a loud roaring sound 2. having blustery winds: subject to persistent blustery or noisy winds. I don't need to imagine the wind getting in a cat-flap ... I can re-live it every night ...! and can you train the little felines to only go out twice a day, so you can close the connecting door for the rest of the time ...? Can you, bu&&ery ...! The best was when snow blew in one christmas - by the time I'd got up, there was literally a two-foot high snowdrift on the cat-room vinyl, from behind which my cats peered at me wonderingly ...!

soaplady from lewis - shivery, but crispy ...

The only reference to Wind and Wuthering I know of is the great Genesis (as in rock band ) vinyl LP or The novel Wuthering Heights. But I think it describes the weather at the mo

Barebraes from Shapinsay

and here's me missing 5 cat gang and oor wullie!

carol from over here and have fun

Nope. Comments are still going missing. Will try again, like the Bruce's spider. I just wanted to thank Tws for going the extra inch to bring us a more graphic picture than most...

Flying Cat from a bat-eared wife

I've emailed Carol@IBHQ about lost comments - this morning I can see at least three blogs where none has appeared, so, rather than wait more in sorrow than in hope, will try again. I have now tried to thank Tws TWICE for trying so hard to bring iBloggers to a new level of enlightenment, and for searing my wee pusscatly brain with an image it would rather forget...but CAN'T! Dear Hermit, how could you mistake that look of pathetic terror on your poor cat's face for 'other glare'. Honestly, some humans...*grumble gurrrr*

Flying Cat from a hard stare X 2

did you ahve to send us your weather :) ? it's bitter here, yesterday was ridiculous - the blooming flood! I kept expecting to see an Ark float by. It's very very cold, and someone made me walk the last mile to work this morning. Bah! X

GerCelt from Dublin, Ireland

It's a dog eat cat world out there (hopefully) ... # Islanders' life seems to revolve around the many ways they can complain about a wee breeze. Where is that Viking spirit, Hermit? Why did you not spear it (a modest sacrifice to the weather Gods, or some such), and then roast it over the open fire (my French friends drool over the taste of le chat)? A little ketchup goes a long way ...

mjc from NM,USA

mjc, noooo..I will eat many things, but not cat! all that hair....all those bones...yuck... FC, honestly trust me, they have got me well trained and it IS an evil glare they send me..for I think they reckon I`m no` fully trained enough yet, til I can magically bring them indoors instantly they appear..made the mistake of seeing what would happen if I just left them there one day....me windaes still hae the claw marks on it.... Soaplady thanks for that! At last an English word that does a decent job o` describing something well...(ducks the thrown tomatoes from all the angry Sassenachs noo)

Hermit from Feeling kinda green...

English is a wondrous and varied language in all its forms. I particularly like it where it exists on foreign soil and metamorphoses into something vibrant and entertaining. I am so so glad you do not eat cats hermit - may your shadow never grow less and yer lum reek for ever! (The slur on all felines from NM I will treat with dignified silence as deserved *sniff*)

Flying Cat from a mongrel breed

There, there, Soaplady and Hermit, now we know Hermit lives on the Wuthering Heights of Sanday. Yonder she stands, bearing the bronte of it!! ("Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned mightily ...")

mjc from NM,USA

He saur us coming with that one...

Flying Cat from a Heath Cliff

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