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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Wild Sanday Weekends..

Well, mildly wild, that is..aw ok, no` really that wild, but damn good fun a` the same.
Went out Friday night with Mr and Mrs Sanday Housewife, to our local, the Belsair, the landlord and landlady must be saints tae put up wi` yours truly...
no` that I embarrass meself when slightly (and I mean, slightly btw) under the influence of their excellent beer...but I do laugh. A lot. One of lifes great gigglers, me....*blushes*

ahem..so we had a grand night playing table Jenga which yours truly hadnae played afore..that game is fun an` all.....mak`s a grand clatter when it a` fa`s doon...*grins*
and then we a` went back doon the next again night....
Noo, ah`m no` wanting onybody tae think I am some kind o` drunken wanton beastie o a woman, for I`m no`...
but it has been a grand weekend oot. Wi` sincere thanks tae oor local`s landlady wha has tae put up wi` the maist raucous stories and jokes....*blushes again*

Onyway, hoping a` body else has had a good weekend tae, and that the sometime dodgy weather didnae dampen spirits.
And ah`m pretty sure that by doon soother standards, oor wild Sanday weekend was almost womens institute material.....*wink*
Posted on Hermit Life at 20:11


Will there be a Calendar?

Tws from Winking back at you

your weekend sounds a lot better than min!!!! man with----- was in toulouse HE WATCHED THE GAME!!!! i am hiding myself in shame-ok we fielded a "b"team but the result!! think--- dan carter the allblacks fly half is man with-- neighbour in auckland(don't say to ma but what a b****y hunk!!)

carol from the usual place

Sure Hermit, weren't you only celebrating me birthday with me :). Me self and the missus were out Saturday night with some friends and family, and sure weren't you only joining in from afar. I'd a skinful me and couldn't have managed two nights on the run, so you've one up on me there. I'm glad you'd a good weekend too. Say Hi to yer man for me, and to Mr & Mrs Sanday Housewife too.

Salty from Dublin, Ireland

Yay, Salty!! Belated Happy Birthday to ye! How`s the nearly missus? :-D Tsk, dinnae be telling me ye cannae keep up wi` two nights merriment, I`ll no be believing ye..dinnae forget, I met ye....:-)

Hermit from Sanday

?ah`m no` wanting onybody tae think I am some kind o` drunken wanton beastie o a woman, for I`m no`... " Hermit. Of course not, Hermit, who would ever dare to think such things of Temperance Hermit? Could the Belsair landlady post the film from the cam on the blog? I am dying to see the action...

mjc from NM, USA

Having just finished commenting on a different blog, I am happy to report that we had a pretty good weekend too. Weather notwithstanding we had a decent walk or two and on Saturday we had friends round for dinner. Drink in reasonable quantity and conversation that verged more than once on the raucous. What more could one ask.

Hyper-Borean from The Cellar

Salty - I'm glad you had a good night out yourself. The other half says hi to you and yours along with me. Hermit - they were a great couple of nights out and we must do them again sometime soon. Will let you know when I've recovered! :o)

Mrs Sanday Housewife from Sanday

"Noo, ah`m no` wanting onybody tae think I am some kind o` drunken wanton beastie o a woman" I never did.. lol.Glad you had a great weekend.

Donna from Shetland: Finally 91热爆

Thanks to all for the good wishes. Yis are stars, the lot of ye.

Salty from Dublin, Ireland

What more could one ask. Hyper-Borean from The Cellar # An invitation for the rest of us to join in the jollities might not be rejected outright...

mjc from NM,USA

Whilst I might be loth to declare totally open house mjc; I think it would be fair to say that all or any of the current and recent I Bloggers would find an open bottle (or several) in the borean household.

Hyper-Borean from A different cellar

...of course you'll be consulting the chief cook first I imagine...unless of course it's yourself that does the cooking...

Flying Cat from the cupboard under the sink

Thank you, Hyper-B.: quite decent of you really. I shall assume that the bottles will not only be open but quite full ...

mjc from NM, USA

That's quite an assumption...

Flying Cat from the green box that rattles

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