The County Show
Posted: Wednesday, 15 August 2007 |
Great photos, Hermit. How lucky you were with the weather - I think Carol should be treated with great respect in view of her amazing powers. Your sheepskins looked gorgeous, and did I recognize that piece of red and gold fabric from your party? The horses are always my favourites at these events, I missed the East Kilbride show cos I was on holiday. Thanks again, Hermit! BTW what happened to the black cat who adopted you?
Jill from EK
Dearie me, my fpu is a bit slow...she stood and looked at your lovely skins in a dazed sort of way like you do and then wandered on never for a moment thinking you were Hermit to the liff. Must be something they put in the water... I see Roger from Fluke Jewellery in his nice green shirt in pic 1...just in case Jill is interested...
Flying Cat from Rolling Acres
How kind of you to point him out, FC. I am still interested - who wouldn't be? - but looking for some excuse to justify buying some of his beautiful stuff. Did he have nice things on display? Not that your fpu would have been looking, of course... She had obviously been in the hospitality tent, how could she miss Hermit with her sheepskins? Perhaps her neon sign wasn't working :-) Wouldn't you like a sheepskin bed?
Jill from EK
great snaps hermit: anytime you need a helping hand for the weather just let me know and i'll see what i can do!!!!
tws's weather girl from under the weather
Great pictures, Hermit. Earlier this morning (my time), there were only blanks. If I had been there at the Fair, I would have said hello and known who you were. Or maybe FC's fpu is rather shy in person (as contrasted to her ib persona, eh?!). Looks like a nice display, Hermit, but of course it is hard to speak knowingly given the fact that it is not a close up photo (why not a close up, Hermit? Modesty on your part?)
mjc from NM,USA
The day looked like a great sucess. Mr B and the Shapinsay Community Members are visiting Fluke Jewellery on the 21st. And Carol can you send a few weeks of the good stuff over so we can get cracking wioth our roof as the time is ticking by and we are behind schedule
Barebraes from Shapinsay
barebraes:- i'll do my best, when do you want it???
tws's weather girl from where do you think?
What do we want? Good weather! When do we want it? NOW!!!! Oh if only you knew, mjc, if only... Jill, m'Marmalade chum and I have faux sheepskin beds. So very 'de nos jours' 'n'at but. I'm really sorry fpu didn't say hullo to Hermit as she admires her blog a great deal, but sometimes gets a bit...vague...I think that's the word...can't have been booze, her being the driver and all. (I'm no-one's persona...I'm all cat...what's left, that is.)
Flying Cat from an admiring glance at Hermit's sheepbeds
okay girls i've told the sun and the heat to go up to orkney and give us some rain and cooler weather--all the tears i'm shedding only waters my tomato plants
tws's weather girl from feelinghungryasIhaven'teatenfor2days
I wish I knew, FC, I wish I did. # Vague? I thought that was TWS's prerogative? # And as to your being "all cat" (well almost) FC: I can't help you there. Try Dick Cheney. # How about sending some cole slaw (no, not poste restante) to Digital s.? What on earth is French for cole slaw (Berneray's or otherwise)? Not choucroute - for that is sauerkraut: HELP, Carol, I am forgetting the lingo.# Hermit, picture 9: prize Orpingtons? and the black rooster pic. 8: black Australorp?
mjc from NM,USA
MJC: its only recentley i've been able to find ready made coleslaw over here--its made by a company called"bonduelle" and its called----- COLESLAW!! tasted a really good white wine""les vignes rousses" made in a village nearby!
carol from still crying
L'Academie Française must be turning in its grave. (One of these [__] not one of these è)
Flying Cat from a linguistic coil
och FC! am i that scary!!? *makes sad face*....mjc, nae closeups simply cos me digicam cannae deal wi them. if we dinnae stand back far enough ye wouldnae hae seen the stall, only me, and trust me that is nae guid sight on an empty stomach! :-D thanks for the hen help...i did like the fluffy ones but they just looked like they had permanent fright.
Hermit from Sanday
No no no was just fpu was anxiously looking for Babybiped1 and the cub (with Pineapple) because they hadn't made an arrangement to meet somewhere, sometime. It was a bit of a distraction and she didn't realise you were Hermit. Eventually found the youngsters looking at Denise Dupré's felt meeces...but more of that in another chapter of Pineapple's Hodilay.
Flying Cat from paw-on-heart