
Oh Dear! Somebody Tie Me Hands Doon!
Posted: Wednesday, 23 May 2007 |
Aye, ye guessed it, yours truly indulged her shopping vice again....in me defense, it was a present for himself....
See, I blame the weather...it`s awfy rainy, windy and just plain auld miserable, no` summerlike at a`...so tae cheer meself up, I just thought I would window shop again...(must stop giving in tae that by the way)
and so that me dearly beloved wouldnae be feeing left oot, found a fantastic compound bow for him, and have bid on it, and it looks as if we`ll get it tae....
See, recurve bows are what are maistly used for target archery. Compound bows are used for field shooting. That did puzzle me a wee bitty at first...I mean, wha` wid be after shooting at fields, what hae the puir fields done tae annoy ony archers...
then realised, oh aye, wait a minute, they mean rough shooting, as if the archers were really chasing doon their dinners.
Onyway, the compound bow, aboot which I know squat, looks tae be a complicated affair wi` pulleys and strings a` ower the place, and has a higher pound pullage weight than me ain recurve bow, but no` sae much as me crossbow which is a 150 lb pull (fine if ye are wanting arm and shoulder muscles like Arnie Shwarzenneger, nae sure if I spelled his name right there though).
And we are still looking for suitable targets.
And noo I am kind o` `banned` frae shopping online for the time being, which is no` surprising.
I still maintain, though, that at least me purchases are practical and so should be appreciated for that. I mean tae say, blokes gaun oot a` the time and come back wi` a` manner of things they say are practical...car parts...tools...wierd bits o` machinery that doesnae look like they fit onywhere....and dae I complain? Och no` one wee bit.
So I should be indulged every once in a while, eh? I think sae onyway.
There is no` much ootside work tae be done at the moment thanks tae the weather. Yesterday we had hail. Remind me again what month it is? The wee merganser duck has left off defending the white nesting duck, I think because nary a one o` the other drakes dare gaun near her noo....and has migrated roond tae the front o` the hoose, wi` twa or three mateless drakes, tae sit among the rose bushes. I looked oot this morning and there he was, creeping towards the overhang o` the concrete walk that gauns along the front o` the hoose, presumably tae tak shelter frae the lashing rain. He did look awfy soggy.
And twa o` oor geese are fighting ower one nest o` eggs. We hae four geese nesting noo, one in the hutch and the others dotted aroond nearby. But on one nest there are twa geese and instead o` taking turns like they did last time, tae sit, they behave like Sumo wrestlers and try tae nudge one another off the nest. Right noo there they are, both sitting half on, half off, the nest, neither giving an inch and occasionally hissing at each other. I`m no awfy sure wha will win. And can only imagine what will happen when the eggs hatch.
We had the same problem last year when oor ducklings hatched...twa mother ducks fighting ower the ducklings, wi` each trying the steal the others awa` til we had tae seperate them and put them in pens.
Ever tried chasing ducks and ducklings tae catch them? It`s guid excercise.......took us a` morning and some heid scratching trying tae figure oot wha`s ducklings were wha`s.
Having sae mony nesting ducks again this year, we also hae crows and gulls wheeling above the nests waiting for opportunities tae steal the eggs. I dinnae like the great thieving brutes! The blackback gulls are the worst, though they really become the biggest problem when the ducks are born, as they will swallow them whole and live.
The date for the medieval feast has been changed tae July 8th noo, because o` travel arrangements for me friends wha are coming tae bide. This weekend sees the great `red oot` (tidy out) o` the room it`s tae be held in. We hae already been doing bits and pieces tae that end, but it will really start tae tak` shape then. I hae all the music sorted and the food is almost arranged, and the drink. One o` the fun games is one wi` a Viking theme...using throwing axes tae chop the pigtails off the wifie .....onybody wha has seen the film The Vikings wi` Kirk Douglas will ken what I mean....
but naebody need phone the polis, it`s tae be a dummy heid, no` a real one..naebody would volunteer, har har....(was joking there, I didnae really ask for volunteers)
Onyway, the prize is tae be a bottle o` mead, fitting in wi` the theme.
If onybody has ony suggestions for mair games , please feel free tae let me ken aboot them, they`ll be gratefully received. :-)
I am hoping the weather clears up tae be fine again soon. Even wi` the rain though, it`s a bonny sight oot there. The pond is ringed by flag irises, some o` which are blooming early, and the bright yellow marsh marigolds always a welcome sight after a dreich winter. Herons and wild ducks and me ain ducks are feeding every day off the pond, I often wonder how the herons manage tae stand sae long in the water, I waded in one summer day once and got sucked intae mud up tae me knees! (mind you, I`m naewhar near sae light as a heron!)
But after yesterdays hail shower, I cannae help feeling proper summer is still a ways off.
Posted on Hermit Life at 10:43
you are having a busy time, whats on the menu?
carol from basking in the sun
Oo Hermit, your party games sound pretty frightening to me. How about Pass the Parcel or Musical Chairs? Throwing the Axe is certainly a bit unusual, though! You certainly sound well organised. Good to hear about developments on the duck-goose-merganser front too.
Jill from EK
Of course you should be indulged, and should indulge yourself. If you buy something, praise should be heaped on it by your lesser half. Makes for a happy relationship. Your way or the highway (or should it be: motorway). Wife indulges in plants and pens (as in fountain pens), I gorge on books and CDs. We may look quizzically on each other's purchases, but more often lavish compliments (Do unto others what you will wish them to do unto you, sort of thing).
mjc from NM,USA
my vice(or rather one of them)is buying old petrol lamps.-real ones-not ones that have been transformed into electrical lamps. cost a b****y fortune-drove husband batty!
carol from hiding from the heat
Jill, me guests are used tae me wild games by noo, they`ve pretty much all had the use o` the crossbow :D Pass the parcel is a wee bit quiet for a medieval feast, although I suppose there could be something collectible and pointed in the parcel...hmmmmm...*gets thinking cap on*.....
Carol I will dae a blog wi` some o` the medieval recipes in it, though will leave oot the one wi` roasted cat and deers...erm..bits..(which I`m no` cooking I hasten tae add!)
Hermit from Sanday
Oh, I see that mjc has very similar interestsand sayings as myself ( the do unto others bit ) and his outlook on life is very close to mine own, except of course that mjc lives in NM USA, and I live in Lewis Scotland UK ( for the time being, I mean that the UK bit is for the time being, as I was just watching wee Alex on the box, giving it laldy ) That's it, apart from another fine blog from HL, nothing else to add...
Tws from The Highway
Pass the parcel all depends on what's in the parcel - a severed limb would make a nice change :-) And musical chairs would be quite in keeping with your party spirit if the ones who were caught out had to be the target for the axe throwing contest. Look forward to seeing full details of the feast, but no cats' bits for me or FC, thank you!
Jill from EK
Someone here in Rolling Acres has stashes of screws, nails, washers and so on in 'his' garage (along with a cheap cd player so he can play Lonnie Donegan ALONE) but, when required to do a job by Someone Else, has to invariably go out and buy 'the right size' of whatever it is. Isn't it strange that that one particular sized item is never among the various stashes....
Flying Cat from A Tool Kit
FC is starting to sound like a woman. And HL, I've just bought some CD's and DVD's, on-line, and it's all down to you, so if Herself asks, I'm blaming you, but better not or she'll ban me from entering again..
Tws from The Shed
Same here, FC, plus "we" have the makings of a bathroom (taps, screen, piping etc) and enough old computer stuff to stock PC World. A neighbour came round recently to ask if we had a spare keyboard to lend him. Spare keyboard? I offered him a choice...
Jill from EK
FC and Jill: it's not that the guy does not have the right stuff in his stashes, it's just that he can't find it, or can't find it conveniently enough. I mean, give us, poor sods trying to help, a break. Even a dumb guy knows he can find the right part at the hardware store than in a cluttered garage or shed. # I have a neighbor who used to be in the navy: old habits die hard - he has two of everything (and, believe it or not, he knows where to find them).
mjc from NM,USA
Flying Cat from a hard stare
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