
I`m A Jinx!
Posted: Wednesday, 28 February 2007 |
Seriously...me and electrical equipment...we dinnae get on at a`. I break things just by looking at them! Just in the past couple o` weeks, we`ve had tae replace the washing machine door...the hinge broke...and the kettle...it died wi` a melodramatic gasp that could hae graced a stage! But noo the oven has also gone, which means we`re having tae use that guid auld standby, the Doric stove, for all the cooking until we get a replacement. Which is fine on bright and breezy days when the wind blows in frae the North...ony other direction though, and we end up wi` dinners that take three times longer than usual tae cook. Mind you though, there is nae denying it, food DOES taste better cooked in the solid fuel stove, far better than ony gas cooker or microwave...I havenae found onything decent that cam` oot o` one o` thae things aside frae reheated chips! Everything else tastes like rubber.
Of course, that could be me cooking....
Life is wyrd. The aulder I get, the more I find the less we need. But folks keep giving me new and shiny gadgets tae use, thinking, I am sure, tae mak` life a wee bitty easier. I appreciate the thocht, surely. But am finding life becomes easier the simpler I keep it.
When the washing machine broke doon, we`d tae resort to washing the clothes in an auld tub using the Glass Queen, which is an auld washing board, wi` a wooden frame and ribbed glass set intae it on which you rub the clothes til the muck moves oot o` them. Then they got rinsed in copious amounts o` clean water and then put through the hand wringer, a thing which looks like a torture instrument, wi` rubber covered rollers. You put the washing in atween the rollers, turned the handle, and oot your clothes come frae the other side o` it, still fairly wet but no` soaking, and awfy flat. Saves time on ironing sheets! :D
And much as I appreciate the convenience o` me automatic washing machine and would no` willingly go back tae doing withoot one, I always mak sure I keep the Glass Queen and the wringer tae hand...just in case.
Me other half also thinks I`m weird tae. He reckons I`m the only wummin tae no` appreciate the usual pretty, expensive, but useless gifts women usually get given by their menfolks. Not for me, expensive perfume, frilly undies or suchlike...he couldnae believe how excited I got when presented wi` the new hoover, or me new set o` cooking pans, or even, dare I say it..thermals....
Aye, yours truly is a strange one indeed...
it comes frae me grandparents, you see....grandad was in the Navy, and was left wi` a lifetimes appreciation o` practicality born o` living in a confined space on board ships. He passed that onto me, that fondness for practical, pared doon, things.
And granny was frae crofting stock and also had an appreciation o` the practical things in life....she couldnae be doing wi` folks gieing her presents that had nae use, and well meaning folks got short shrift frae her for presenting her wi` such things as bunches o` flooers, or jewellery which she never wore...but gie her a casserole dish, or a new mop and bucket, and watch a grin licht up her face.
So I tak after me grandparents, both.
As time goes by, and more and more electrical things break doon, I`m finding there is usually nae need tae replace them. Oh, I still have me automatic washing machine, but when it goes I`ll no` be buying a new one. Me daughter is treating me to a new cooker, even though I told her fine I can manage wi` the auld stove....and when the hoover goes, I`ll just use the auld carpet sweeper I keep in the cloakroom and the carpet beater for the rugs.
One o` the nicer things aboot being a hermit is the ability tae turn me back on the ootside world and all its continuing pressure to buybuybuy, a` the things the adverts convince ye must be essential tae yer life, at a price of course. And though me hame is unconventional, that disane matter a bit...it`s hame. It`s cosy and comfy and works fine the way it is, withoot the modern trappings that seem tae be becoming essentials for ower too mony folks.
See, noo, when you`re a hermit, ye can pick and choose what fits intae your hame. So I choose tae keep the pc, so I can keep in touch wi` friends that are too far away tae visit. And the tv provides some sma` amusement when the wind`s howling ootside, even if said wind does play hell wi` the ariel and the signal is hit and miss. But that`s aboot it really.
A whiles back, we had some friends come tae stay wi` us for a holiday. I was a bitty shocked when it was apparent, nane o` the kids (teens, all) kenned how tae boil an egg or peel tatties for the dinner! Nane o` them had ever had tae learn how tae wash their ain clothes, by hand or by machine! Och, they are fine bairns a`, and their parents are richtly proud o` them, for their academic achievements. But I mind thinking, even academics need tae care for their hames, feed themselves and wear clean clothes!
I`ll be forever grateful tae me mam and grandparents for showing me how tae dae the basics in life....feed and clothe meself and care for me environment. I would hate tae have tae rely on others tae dae that for me!
This morning, we inspected the byres, which often get flooded, after the heavy rains last nicht. They are a` alricht, if a bit soggy. The rain barrels overflowed and ran doon the track tae the pond. So we had some rain last nicht!
But it`s a fine calm enough morning, and as the skies lichten and the day begins, I`m glad tae be a hermit and glad tae keep me life simple.
A fine guid morning tae everybody.
Posted on Hermit Life at 06:59
This is lovely, in sentiment and in memory. the good auld days.
Ac from Coll
If we all had your outlook the world would be a much richer and better place . Never tire of reading your blogs.
Barebraes from Shapinsay
Very interesting and wise comments Hermit. Kettles: we finally got an electric (Breville) one, after eyeing the one in the B&B on the past several visits to our daughter at uni. in England. We use the kettle a lot: somehow feels more cosy than sticking water in the microwave to boil. I don't think I am a rabid consumer, except when it comes to buying books, but I do think life would be rather hard without a dishwasher (and a clothes washer as well) or hot water heater. Not impossibly hard, mind you, just quite hard. Like bed pans: I am glad I know what it was like to use them, but I am even happier not to have to use them any more.
mjc from NM,USA
This blog is becoming a must to read, you bring your simple life to mean so much more than just existence. Mind you if I had a wife who preferred such items to jewelery I would be over the moon.
Keep it coming. FC is right, I predict a book, if any agents out there have any sense.
Lerwick Trevor from Lerwick
Me neither, I read them every day. I think I sshare your attitude about modern gadgetries even though I live in a big city, my TV looks like something from the 1970's but who cares.
alix from west midlands
*blushing* thanks for your comments folks, I still remain amazed anyone reads me blog! mjc, I do have a dishwasher. It`s called the husband. :D
Hermit from Sanday
Alix is it a colour telly? I have a wide-screen Telly ( I've stopped using tv now since I found out about it's other meaning) what with all those programmes about Fat-Camp. Biggest-Loser, Fatties From Hell, The Fatter The Better, Fatties Have A heart Too, Lose 4 Stone in a week, and the like, normal sized telly just can't cope. I'm not sure if all those are real programmes, but you never can tell.
Tws from sittingwatchingthetelly
On jewelry: just heard that my parents in Bruxelles got burglarized, and all Mum's jewels gone. They forgot to double lock their front door. With cell phones at the fingertip of the burglars, no burglar was in the house (thank heavens) when they returned two hours later. Apart from the loss of some currency and the jewelry, not much damage to the house. My brother who called me from Belgium and I had a good laugh as to how now Mum would not have to worry about how her goodies are to be distributed when she departs. Mum was rather taken aback, but not unduly so, by our attitude ("one less thing to worry about, Mum" attitude). Being old fashioned, she did not keep receipts or have pictures or other records: so, no insurance. # Wife has a few pieces of jewelry, but nothing to make HRH Helen Mirren green with envy. We got burglarized once years ago in Georgia: the burglars never returned, knowing full well there was not much to be had. Anyway, with your geese, I doubt you'll be burglarized any time soon, Hermit. Anyway, the whole world now knows you have a Doric stove: if a burglar were to heft it away, the 91热爆 blog will be there to provide any necessary documentation. So, go shopping in Kirkwall (and Stromness) in peace.
mjc from NM,USA
i enjoy your blogs and i agree with you about cooking on solid fuel ranges i loved the ones i had in our last house
carol from france
Yes TWS it is colour but, horror of horrors it has no remote control, people seem to think this is the ultimate of hardships. MJC, a washing machine is essential but a dishwasher is just lazy - that's my view anyway!
Hermit - when is your book coming out!
alix from west midlands
Alix, you are probably right. Nevertheless, the way Americans would wash dishes (under running hot water), the dishes would use more water and energy (personal and electric/gas) than running a dishwasher, which, I understand, does a better job than handwashers. Furthermore, not everyone can be as adept at shooting rats with one hand while drying dishes with the other (the drying cloth being held by the skin of his teeth doubtless). Furthermore, I am an unredeemable klutz and I would be dropping and breaking eating/drinking ware (kitchen floor is solid brick, and quite unforgiving) on a regular and ruinous basis.
mjc from NM,USA
Look on the bright side mjc, what you break you needn't wash. Alternatively break enough and you'll be taken off kitchen fatigues indefinitely.
Hyper-Borean from Among the shards
Yes, Hyper-B., it's all right to be flippant when you are not the one which has to pick up the shards, and it is not your mug from Westray or plate from Shapinsay (replace: country of origins)that blew up on the bricks. Worse still, the pot could drop on wife's toes!! It's still winter around here, and our dog igloos are neither heated nor insulated. Have some consideration, por favor.
mjc from NM,USA
The thing about living on Sanday is that you exchange money for time and get the chance to live a life that puts you back in touch with the basics. It can be a sparce existence though, when you cant keep that howling wind out and the smoke blows back down the chimney!
skywatcher from allmodcons now
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