Poseidon in Unst
Posted: Tuesday, 17 January 2006 |
I see you are standing very still in a cold looking sea. No movement required I suppose. So just a normal day then?
Herman from Orkney
I see that this picture hasn't moved from the featured blog site for a full week. Just like the Jannie - but it must be a record even for him.
Herman from Orkney
He's off. Feeling queasy. Saw a green goddess I think!
puffinbillyunst from Unst
Is he looking for his car keys?
Lee from Baghdad
Maybe his car keys are in his wellies!
Herman from Orkney
Herman - You ken very well you're referrin to the wrong fireman.
Ruthodanort from Unst
Whit? I dunna ken whit du means!!!!
Herman from Orkney
Clearly, he is NOT looking for keys. He is organic farming. (Heaven knows why I am participating in those blogs. But you folks are hilarious!!)
mjc from NM, USA
To mjc: I don't think he is looking for his keys really, but he isn't organic farming. Maybe he's King Canute.
Herman from Orkney
So, you don't think he is organic (fish) farming, eh? King Canute, you say. Please, pray tell, why would old (odd?) Canute be doing in Unst? [and you have better be very diplomatic with your answer. Otherwise, I'd hate to think of the possible reactions of Ruthodanort, for one]
mjc from NM, USA
Ruthodanort is nae problem. We can easily sort her. Anyway she'll be busy this week with secret activities so she's probably not checking her blogs. Where else would Canute go but Unst? There's nowhere else to go. He's holding back Britain's most northerly tide! Maybe he heard that the Bluemull Sound ferry was free and couldn't resist the free trip.
Herman Ess from Orkney
Who the h**l is King Canute??
Ruthodanort from Unst
A forceful explanation, I must admit. However, I thought that down south he stood on the beach. What is he doing in the water? What is he HIDING? Yes, I heard all about Ruthodasooth Next time she writes, she'll be singing full-throated the praises of Up Helly Aa in Lerwick. Oh, those fickle (pickled?) northerners (incomers?!) ... I heard she had Texan caviar (whatever that may be) No Texan oysters were on the menu, I hope. Like peanuts, you can't stop with just one. They are Sam Houston's contribution to the world culinary heritage.
mjc from NM,USA
Ancient King who attempted to hold back the sea (big wobbly thing made of water that the Swan sails on). He was trying to show his power. As to Ruthodanort siniging the praises of a sooth Up Helly Aa- Lerwick is too far south for her to consider! I'd be suprised if she left Unst this weekend. I'm curious about this Texan Caviar - Didn't think Skibhoul or the NAAFI stocked it. Is it a new line?
Herman from Orkney
As I just posted under Far North, my apologies for some strange mix up. I had somehow (don't ask me how!)gotten the impression that Far North and Ruthodanort were one and the same. Some comments/postings I made can only be understood if my misapprehension is taken into consideration. Sorry folks. By the way, I assume Herma Ness and Herman Ess are one and the same?
mjc from NM,USA
We may be the same person or we may not be. We don't know. We also don't know who would be insulted more, Ruthodanort or Far North about the mistaken identity. Both look so alike.
Herman & Herma Ness from Orkney
Time for a new posting from Ruthodanort: How about Venus arising from the waters near Unst? Really folks, time to infuse some life into some of the blogs. Anyone with a picture of Welsh Charlie incognito as a Viking at the recent Unst Up...?
mjc from NM,USA
Still no Venus arising all akimbo from the sea (maybe it is too cold).... How about Venus (or some such) arising from the ashes of a burnt Viking ship (where, by the way, does the lumber come from? Please reassure me: NOT cardboard?!)
mjc from NM,USA
Is dy pewter broke Ruthodanort? I have heard it may be. Never mind, da Orcadian response team will sort it out I'm sure.
Herman from Orkney
That would be the same Orcadian response team that sorts out the Lancashire pewter asweel!
Rachondarox from Lancs
Yup. My dad's makin his wye north this weekend tae help me oot o a tight spot. (Flamin broadband). Sorry aboot no bloggin for ages, I've been that busy readin aabody elses' & postin comments!! Will amend the situation asap.
Ruthodanort from Unst
& this pewter as weel! We should market the Orcadian Rapid Response Team
Herman from Orkney
Whooppeee!! Dad cam up on the overland fae Lerook this mornin, havin been a guest o Northlink last night. By the time I cam home fae work he had me pewter well & truly sorted, broadband & all. Time tae get sortin oot photos tae blog!!
Ruthodanort from Unst
Orcadian response team is coming to sort out my oven as well. Yippee.
Herman from Orkney
Ah yes. My Dad is a dab hand at fixin raeburns, doriks & agas. You'll have a warm kitchen once more Herman.
Ruthodanort from Unst
Kitchen is warm even in da snow. It's just low powered. I think cooking Donald the Duck took a lot oot of it. Typical - oven always goes at Xmas!
Herman from Orkney