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16 October 2014

I.B.H.Q. - July 2004

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Renewable Energy Debate

Interesting report from the Scottish Parliament’s Enterprise Committee’s report on renewable energy. It backs renewables and greater energy efficiency and calls for a comprehensive Scottish energy policy.

However it makes some criticism too of the wind energy strategy I thought would be of interest to the current Island Blogging debate.

It starts by noting that to date Scotland has achieved a reduction of just 4.9% in greenhouse gas emissions since 1990 (less than half the 12.8% average achieved by the UK as a whole), climate change emissions from the energy sector increased by 27% between 1990 and 2000.

I’ll post the recommendations in two parts…

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 12:18

Renewable Energy Report - Part 1

The main conclusions from the report include that:

1. The Committee is wholly supportive of the Executive's ambitious renewable energy targets. It is clear from the evidence that the Committee has taken that the Executive will meet its short term target of 18 per cent of electricity from renewable sources by 2010.

2. The Renewables Obligation (Scotland) scheme has been successful, but in a single direction that of promoting onshore wind power. It has led to the invigoration of the market for wind power by energy companies, but without developing other sectors.

3. The Executive¹s current renewables policy is unintentionally working against the development of renewable energy sources other than onshore wind power.

4.This over-reliance on one source of renewable energy is not good energy policy.

5. As things stand, if the Executive¹s 40 per cent renewables target for 2020 is to be met, it will be almost entirely through onshore wind power.

6. The Committee firmly supports the Executive¹s commitment to increase renewable energy generation and believes that onshore wind must form an important part of that increased capacity. To achieve this there will need to be more onshore wind farms. However, there does currently appear to be a proliferation of large onshore, wind farm proposals concentrated in sensitive geographical areas, with which the planning system is struggling to cope.

7. Scotland is in a unique position to be able to create significant numbers of green jobs through encouraging and investing in leading edge renewables technologies.

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 12:40

Renewable Energy Report - Part 2

The report recommends that:

1. The Executive should create a comprehensive Scottish energy policy in co-operation with Westminster.

2. This energy policy should seek to shift the focus from large onshore wind farms to other forms of renewable power.

3. The main tool for encouraging renewables, the Renewables Obligation Scotland, should be refined into a more sophisticated policy tool that allows other types of renewable energy to be incentivised, not just onshore wind.

4. The Committee¹s main conclusion is that, potentially, renewable energy has a very bright future in Scotland. It can be a major contributor to our energy supplies, and it can help tackle global environmental problems. It can deliver some security for the future and it can deliver large numbers of jobs, with export potential. However if it is to do this it will require a more concerted effort by the Scottish Executive and the creation of a coherent Scottish energy policy.

5. Scottish based manufacture, assembly and construction of renewable technologies (including wind) needs to be encouraged and funding schemes established to support communities wishing to develop their own schemes and meet their own energy needs.

6. A Scottish energy strategy should be developed, including stronger strategic guidance on renewables development, targets for energy efficiency and ruling out new nuclear power.

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 12:41

Internet Revolution and the Hebrides

Here's an interesting piece here from an American radio station

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 16:18

Photo Blog

Hey look!

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Just got back from my holidays in sunny (and rainly) Argyll. Connel, Dervaig, and Iona were all on the Blog Blog itinerary and none disappointed.

Hope everything has been okay in my absence - thanks to Carol for moderating while I was away.

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 11:41

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