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16 October 2014


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Anyone see Killer Whales in the UK? Shetland looks great

On Sunday night a programme was broadcast called 'Killer Whales in the UK' in which a cameraman went zooming around Shetland looking for whales.

Anne, the previous inhabitant of IBHQ, says 'Shetland looked great in the programme and there are lots of lovely wildlife shots.'

You can still watch it on the 91热爆 iPlayer where the programme is available for another three days.

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 13:02


Hi Carol, I have seen Killer Whales, Orcas, whilst out fishing (just out from the bay). A huge black fin appeared, followed by two smaller ones. They were travelling at really high speed. It was a scarey experience, but quite amazing. They came from the direction of Tiree, passed by Coll (and us in a 17' boat) and were heading towards the small Isles. A marvellous sight!!!

Squidgy the Otter from Coll

There are a few killer whales around the Sh*tland Islands, to give them their latin names, they are The Great White Ruthodanortus, The Scallowawifisugas, and the ever watchful Munessaviewacuss. These are best viewed from a distance, especially by me....

Tws from Lewis

I have seen orca up near westray a few years ago, then in the 2006 season we had a pod of around 5 go through - one big male and some juveniles,plus a calf. 2007 we had two lone females go through, but that was all we saw. I have some photos somewhere..... HTH

H from Hiding from the snow

The link works only for UK residents: must not be worth watching (eh? eh!!). Oh, and pass the sushi. # The whales had good reason to be in a hurry, Squidgy: didn't you see the the Great Japanese Scientific Expedition in hot pursuit?

mjc from NM,USA

Last July we had a pod of killer whales close inshore at the Historic Scotland Broch of Gurness site on Eynehallow sound. The visitors were thrilled since the whales were only 20 mtrs offshore. Alas they were less pleased when one of the whales caught a cuddly grey seal in full view and tore it to pieces. "Do something" several if them said. Like what?? Sorry guys.. but these are efficient predators not cuddly toys !! Pods of whales are seen more frequently these days around Orkney, but they are still rare and seeing them is pure lucky chance.

Silversmith from Orkney

Some years we have lots of sightings of whales, other years none or very few. I've been lucky enough to watch them from my living room window. Minke and pilot whales pass by as well as killers. A few years ago we were fortunate to have a beluga stop by for a while. Totally awesome!

Jenny from Shetland

Ok, tws, u lookin for trouble again?????

Ruthodanort from rolling up the sleeves once more...

Sorry mjc, the iPlayer doesn't stretch as far afield as the USA. I saw a pod of Orcas off the coast of Vancouver Island a couple of years ago and it was a magnificent sight. It really brought home how small we mere humans are compared to other life forms (we were in a small boat watching them). Apparently, it's possible to go swimming with them. I kid not! Don't think I'd fancy it. They were majestic in the water but seeing them from a boat was quite close enough.

Carol from IBHQ

When doing the RBIR 1978 we were overtaken by a pod of orcas on a calm evening somewhere between Castle Bay and Barra Head. There were about 10 of them including a bull that swam across our bows so close that I could stretch out and touch his dorsal fin .. if I had had the nerve. They were intent on find ing herrings, not on messing with us. That feeling was mutual, the experience sublime.

Barney from Swithiod the sailor

Carol, there still seems to be terrible delays in comments appearing and even blogs being posted, what's the problem? It gets rather frustrating - IB at normal speed isn't exactly breakneck, but this is getting ridiculous.

Ruthodanort from Unst

I quiet often sit in the office or living room or kitchen watching pods of orca drive the seals up onto the rocks in the hope of a meal. We saw orca the day we came to view our house, again 2 days after we moved here & 7 times since during the 19 months we have been here. Is it any wonder we have no thoughts of leaving fair isle at all.

Angela from Fair Isle

As an efficient predator myself Silversmith, I have only admiration for others of that ilk.

Flying Cat from looking out for Flukes?

The spam filter is at work again. We're still working on it and I'll be posting an update on the situation soon Ruthodanort. It's frustrating for us all I think.

Carol from IBHQ

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