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16 October 2014


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Three things (including a little something for Flying Cat)

Three things to tell you about today:

1. I just want to remind you that if you activate the links on the right hand side of your blog it makes it easier for others to use them. It鈥檚 simple to do; details of how to format the links are included on the Help Guide. Any problems just give me a shout at islandblogging@bbc.co.uk

2. Another reminder that if you鈥檙e interested in the ONE Show鈥檚 campaign to find a new family for Fetlar you should apply via .
Muness Views' blog includes some handy links to other sites with information about the island.

3. Finally, Mia has been in touch with me. She says: "Staff have now returned from Harris and have kindly taken a photo of one of the innumerable bunnies that were swarming the garden, and I thought it might be my postcard to FC! I also remember that FC wondered what I looked like so have added one of me as well."

It's always good to put a face to a name, isn't it? ;-)


Update 18/07: Check the gallery again to see "something for mia and especially for the whitesettler!!" from Carol.

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 15:56


Should there not be some government health warning on the 2nd photo? The Freddy Kruger of the cat world?

Tws from Behind the Sofa

Food first photo, and terrifying messenger second photo. I would fairly jump out of my skin were I to encounter those steely eyes in the dark of night on a deserted country lane. Not bad, not bad at all, quite tolerable in fact so far as cats go ...

mjc from NM,USA

wow what a gorgous puss

carol from over here

mama mia!!

three cat gang from over here

now you know why I am in charge!

mia from feeling smug

thanks Anne *purrrrrr*

mia from purrondering at the pc

Mia how pretty you are. You are welcome at our cat bowl any time

Barebraes from Shapinsay

Mia, you are a beauty. Your staff are very lucky to be working for such a superior owner.

Jill from EK

I don't think that photo does you full justice Mia, the people have to see that tail to get the full effect. <<duck>>

MadLamb from Far enough away not to get a swipe

Ooooooooooooo... What a stunning.....What a delicious....What a .. a .. a BABE!!!! And the dinner's not bad either. I'll have to go and lie down in the Sunroom of Eternity......knees turning to jelly...mia ma dea I had no idea....du's gorgeous!!!!

Flying Cat from in smoorikins

thank you, thank you *blush*, *purr*, *preen*. If I can get female staff better trained with the camera, perhaps I can persuade Anne to include a photo of me and my tail, later.

mia from fluffed and purred

that's all we need - another blog romance...

scallowawife from head in the bog

dearest mia,we hope you have seen,we put two of us on this site! simba our big boss is already on a blog by lerwick trevor,, lots of purry mmeeeppps

three cat gang from lazing in the shade

Is this a cat beauty contest? It would take a brave person to declare the winner! Love your kitties, Carol, and would LOVE to see a pic of Mia's tail.

Jill from EK

Jil,thanks!!sent them more for tws benefit after his comments about me ""scrubbing up well"" i took it as a joke pascal was not so amused!

carol from in the shade

Jill; i forgot mia wins hands down--no contest!

carol from in the shade

What is this fascination with pussy cats? Everyone wants to show off their lovely pussy. Well it's got to stop now, please. Carol that comment I made about you scrubbing up well, was a compliment, gee whizz, some folks..

Tws from The Ballroom Blitz

cats of the world unite ---- we're all handsome!

mia from well impressed

i took it not to badlybut pascal does not have quite the same sense of humour at times. 3 cat gang like mutts so you have to love them!na!

carol from blockbuster

More photos of cats!! Now, that was a statement, NOT, for love of Queen and Charlie, a request. # I never realized, until Island Blogging came along, that there were so many cats around. No wonder shrinks think there are but few normal folks left in this world. # I wonder why there are therapy dogs, but not therapy cats?

mjc from NM,USA

Dear mjc, i am of the opion all pets are therapy! does any other bloggers agree??all except tws!

carol from over here

Dogs are too dim to shirk such an onerous task...

Flying Cat from Smug Cheshire Grin

Mr B worked for the RSPCA and there were far more cats than dogs to rehome. they reckon that an unneutered cat can increase the population of cats by this much 2 uncontrolled breeding cats create the following: 2 litters a year at a survival rate of 2.8 kittens per litter. With continued breeding: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 1 = 12 cats Year 2 = 66 cats Year 3 = 2,201 cats Year 4 = 3,822 cats Year 5 = 12,680 cats Multiplying to a staggering Year 10 = 80,399,780 cats

Barebraes from Shapinsay

i agree,barebraes,thats why all my cats have been neutered at an early age so to stop the unpleasant task os putting newborn kittens to sleep either at the vets or giving them a massive dose of chloriform--if you really love your cats you practise birth control!

carol from where its dull and windy

Hello, is there anybody there?? Too many cats, that is what the technical problem is. Unless Hermit has infected IB, with her Trojans ( isn't that an adults toy?)

Tws from A Deserted IB

Hi Tws - Sorry about the delays. Hopefully the problems will be fixed soon.

Anne from IBHQ

Your calculation is about right, Barebraes. Time to sit down at the dinner table, I say, stare hard (eh, eh? FC?), and do the cats justice.

mjc from NM,USA

TWS, dear friend,as you are fed up with seeing moggies,the old dear as sent a photo of me and also my latest toy--a little hedgehog that i wanted to gobble up the other night,but strangely enogh couldn't quite me teeth into it:old dear doesn't appreciate this sort of thing,i wonder why?? can you throw any light on the subject?

oor wullie and 3 cat gang from in the doghouse

Look Oor Wullie, I'll throw something shortly, but it won't be any light.

Tws from The Dog House Also

You'll be throwing something so dense as to put a black hole to shame, TWS? Why aim it a poor wullie when there are so many flying objects around? Come to think of it, at least a moon has gone by since we last had a posting from the Stromness bloggers.

mjc from NM,USA

I wish you bipeds would stop cavalierly flinging the n word into the blogosphere, it's most thoughtless. I vote to insert all canines into Tws' wormholes, thus sending them into some bowels or other....at least I think that was it...

Flying Cat from fundamentally yours

objection, FC, OBJECTION!!

mjc from NM,USA

look at the image gallery Tws,i've sent me mugshot for getoffthe

oor wullie from under the bed

What a lovely dog he is( It is a he, I presume, and not a bitch?) Getoffthe isn't feeling too good at the moment. She has been very sick, and we're hoping that she will be ok. Cheery for now..

Tws from Holding Back The Tears

Objection overruled! Orff with their 'eads! I'm glad I finally got to see a pic of Oor Wullie...he looks quite harmless, in a doggy sort of way! Some Stromness bloggers are being denied regular access to the interweb, due to babybipedincursion. I had to slip in quick before breakfast to do this...

Flying Cat from all over the joint

TWS:here was me thinking i was standing up for you against three cat gang(and FC) and you dare to question my gender!! hope gettofthe gets better soon,woofie woofies

"oor wullie" from growling at tws

well now, i see i have some catching up to do. Our pc has been poorly recently and it's been very hard to prise female staff out of her brand new and fully reclinable suite. Oor Wullie - for a dog you don't look too bad at all! FC, do you think we should run a campaign to ban the 'n' word - i've still got my pole and i'm sure there's a soapbox somewhere!

mia from purrondering at the pc

thanks mia-i suppose i'm not too bad looking,old dear has remarked i'm going very grey round the eyes--she said its something about old age!

oor wullie from blushing

is this a record for IBHQ? pushin 40?

scallowawife from shetland - cold and windy today (Saturday)

can this be no 40??

carol from in the shade cause its b****y hot

just in case fellow bloggers are interested diigy sands seem to be in Seattle!! I clicked on to his silversprite blog--he sure is having fun!

carol from 36掳 in the shade

I don't think I've seen this many before Scallowawife!

Anne from IBHQ

nice to have started a record for you Anne!

mia from feeling smug

I hope Anne doesn't mind being over 40...Oh and there goes mia mentioning her dancing pole again and getting me all in a tiswas so I don't know if I'm coming or going....no wait a minute...

Flying Cat from dusting down the soapbox

FC! be careful your starting to sound like tws!!

carol from where its hot and windy


Flying Cat from struckdumb

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