Weekend/Monday problems
Posted: Monday, 28 May 2007 |
Typical! As soon as I published this the problem was fixed! :)
Anne from IBHQ
think goodness its fixed-i'm like a junkie in cold turkey when i,can't get on to IB
carol from dull france
Moo doesn't seem to have pictures though Anne. Every other one does.
Muness from Fetlar
muness: Moo isn't the one-Mountain mans photos are showing either and TWS's latest blog isn't to be found!!
carol from france
Curses! I'll investigate the missing images problem. In the meantime, TWS's post can be read via the View all the Blogs page.
Anne from IBHQ
no it isn't
carol from still looking bfor tws's blog
well all I can say is it was a rotten weekend not being able to read the blogs!! I had to resort to google to search for pages - otherwise it was a brilliant day sunday - beach, sun, sand...
scallowawife from shetland
'a new vc' can't be accessed
scallowawife from lookin for TWS
No links nor history on this blog, Anne.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
That is, on the Arnish Lighthouse blog :-\
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
Anne, Thanks for getting it fixed. I was looking forward to reading more of the latest blog postings. -- Bruce
CVBruce from Castro Valley, CA, USA
Aaaaarrrgggghhhh! Can't get Tws's blog, and now I'm in suspenders!! The title says 'It's a grand morning here on thewhitesettlers croft in Lewis, the sun is shining, and ...' . And WHAT?????? I can't take the pressure...
Ruthodanort from away tae lie doon in a darkened room....
TWS's blog and hat are missing?! What next?
mjc from NM,USA
I've just typed the 'contribute' button and when I sign in my computer automatically rememebers my password. I was then asked a supplemntary question about my first school. My entry has now been locked for 30 minutes. What is the matter with this site? Change the sparking plugs immediately, renew the batteries and put 50 pence in the meter. Websites weren't like this in my day.....there's too much of this sort of thing going on.....I didn't get where I am today......the youth of today .....don't know when you're born.....etc
calumannabel from Luddite Cottage Gress
Chrissie Mary and I were a bit stumped when all the blogs disappeared. Then the penny dropped. The 91Èȱ¬ has lost its contract to show Neighbours on 91Èȱ¬1 in a TV bidding battle, so Channel 5 must have put in a successful bid to take over the blogging to add to their soap opera portfolio. Hope Anne gets a good deal.
Annie B from the usual
none of the new blogs are appearing today
carol from feeling grumpy and tired
Anne, I had an e-mail from site viewers in canada to say they could not hook up to the blog site either, they too were also disappointed.
geoff, turner from tyne/wear
Ah!! so i'm not the only moaning on IB! oof! never mind "alls well,that ends well"" bye bye
carol from getting ready for choir practise
Anne, is it true that when FC (or is it Calum., Scallo. und so weiter) types the "contribute" button, ib has been programmed to ask: "are you kidding?" A new Vista, so I understand.
mjc from NM,USA
So long as TWS could access the WC, what's the complaint, Scallo.? Some folks are never satisfied: if you don't believe me, ask Anne from IBHQ.
mjc from NM,USA
All I can say is, I'm glad I was so busy over the weekend that ib had to take a back seat, or I would have been chewing several voles in frustration...oh, wait, I DID.....etc...
Flying Cat from areyoukidding?
I was surprised IBHQ even thought I'd been to school!
calumannabel from University of Life Skigersta Campus
i was very suprised IBHQ even thought id been to school.
kalpesh from london