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16 October 2014


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»Island Blogging
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You’re never too young to start blogging

I came across and wondered if our schools might be interested. It seems that pupils as young as six in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, are picking up the blogging habit. As soon as they start school they’re given basic computer lessons, alongside traditional writing and arithmetic, which leads to them creating their own blogs on the school website.

Through this programme the kids have already been in touch with a school in Wales … could Scotland be next on their contact list?

And isn’t Moose Jaw a cracking name? ;-)

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 11:19


That`s fantastic...and a good thing tae teach bairns aboot using technology. It took me three years tae learn how tae use a computor withoot frying it!

Hermit from Sanday

Anne, not referring specifically to the Part-timer blogger's case (as I am not familiar with her parameters), IB does not really want to exclude from its blogging universe islanders who go to the mainland (or elsewhere for that matter) for further education, or does it? I would have thought that it would in fact be fun to have them share their experiences with us, and they might benefit (!) from keeping in touch with other islanders (leavened by some arguably strange participants from abroad). Would you care to elaborate on the parameters you are using? Might you not want to err generously on the side on inclusiveness (if I may be politically correct, for once?!)? I am posting this comment on your IB forum rather than sending it to you directly, not for lack of courtesy, but because perhaps some discussion might induce you/the 91Èȱ¬ to reconsider (or "to consider further" ?!). Thanks, Anne. Have a good weekend y'all.

mjc from NM,USA

agree with hermit-i know how to get on internet and sadly that is my limit

carol from in the dark

This is a wonderful idea and not just because the kids are so quick to pickup on electronics and computers but the connection it gives them to the rest of the world. You can teach them of other places and people but it sinks in and has a stronger impact when they are directly in contact with others (become more personal). I believe every young child should have the opportunity to spend a year or two in a completely different environment (to build understanding of others) of course this is not feasible but this (blogging) may be the next best thing.

macq from NMtoo,USA

Hi Anne! This is off topic but I can't find any way to contact you...is Island Blogging down? I can't see any of the blogs (except the featured blog on the main page) and I can't view my own blog. Is it just me - or is this happening to everyone? P.S. Blogging is great for kids I think! It puts them in touch with the World! Cheers!

Michelle Therese from Things Go Moo in the Night...

Hi mjc, thanks for your comment. The whole foundation of Island Blogging was based on it being a service available to the islands only. Allowing islanders based on the mainland to take part would undoubtedly swell the number of bloggers but it would also steer us away from our original remit to give a voice to those living in island communities. With students being based away from home for such long stretches, it would be unfair to island exiles who have been excluded since the launch of the site in 2003.

Anne from IBHQ

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