Happy Easter
Posted: Friday, 06 April 2007 |
So you got my note then, that's good. Off to sea the Stones now, I hope that bloomin' shop's open, and the toilets too. ( although it doesn't really matter to me, a wall does me fine, was that too much information, if so, that's for Carol over there in France ) I'm really looking forward to this trip ( sarcasm there) well wish me luck as you wave me goodbye, da da da de di da da da da
Tws from Justgettingreadytogoout
Good grief what a drama queen, are you thinking of staying the night at the stones or what?
Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin
Moderation? A new word for me, that's for certain. I must have been deluding myself, thinking I was (somewhat) educated. # Aren't moderators officialdom of the C of E., Presbyterian Church or am I getting them all mixed up with the Methodists? What have they to do with IBHQ and/or Murdo John at the Fank, where excess is the normal state of, uuh, affairs?
mjc from NM,USA
tws: what was for my information,you going to see stones that stand still? i'm going to see ones that move in lyon they even roll ha ha!!
carol from france
No Effsea, just a quick trip ( although hopefully not a trip, trip, if you follow, like a trip up, trip, and not a trip in the motorised tin vehicle, although it is a trip in the car, but not a trip over anything type of trip, are you still there EffSea? Does this make some kind of sense? Am I still bracketed here? Oh yes, so I am ) Well now I've been there, done that, but couldn't afford the T-Shirt. ( we whitesettlers are a poor lot indeed ) Oh Carol, I am but a fool, the bit about me standing up doing a No.1 against a wall, can you picture that?
Tws from RwplyingtoEffSeassarkyness
tws: it doesn't bear even thinking about you standing up against a wall!!
carol from crying over another dead cat