On Links
Posted: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 |
On the right hand side of your blog you have five sections: 'About Your Blog'; 'Recent Posts'; 'Archives' and 'Links'.
Your Recent Post and archives update automatically, but you can change the text and image about your blog and your favourite links.
A couple of notes worth remembering about your Links section. First of all its important to remember that
you can't link to commercial sites - that's shops, hotels, or sites flogging stuff.
Second, a couple of things on formatting. To include the url (the web address or link) as an active link (ie one people can just click on to get to it), copy the following into the Links section:
By adding the address in this way it will look much neater and be an actual live link. Also, you'll see there's a
which stands for break and this seperates your links to another line.
All you have to do is replace the address starting 'http://www' with the address you want, and also replace the text in the middle with the text you want.
So say you wanted to have Google as one of your favourites. Okay not the most original choices I know but heh! This is what it would look like:
Hope this is a help.
PS Brian mentioned had difficulty posting yesterday, there was a glitch which was out of cour control. 'Igor' (we're not kidding) told us it was "problematic disc".
So that's that clear then...
Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 10:29
Mike, please email at home - big probs. Ta. islandlass
islandlass from Mull
Hi Island Lass - email me at islandblogging@bbc.co.uk and we'll help out.
Mike from Glasgow
Hey Mike, please forward thius message to islandlass. I used to be in touch with her through yahoo, but lost contact. I really would like to know how Maggie is doing. She can mail me at paulmlein@hotmail.com. tthnaks for yr assistance!
paul from Holland
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