Posted: Monday, 29 November 2004 |
I was shown a cool bit of technology today. An ordinance survey map that has a facility that allows you to turn the map into a 3D landscape, which can be rotated and viewed from different directions. It also had a facility that allowed you to check the height above sea level. I was surprised to see where 200 feet above sea level is in Tobermory and discovered it is at the old graveyard. 200 feet high is a bit less than the blade tip height of the turbines planned for the Dervaig project. To be fair Gary's pictures show turbines erected by Powergen on the Deucheran Hills with a height of 79-93 metres. Thanks for posting them though Gary. There is talk of a bus trip for Dervaig people to check them out. What are the bets that we will be counted in the statistics showing that windfarms improve the number of tourists in an area?
pondhead from Mull
Thanks, Gary, it offers a nice piece of perspective!
Pondhead - can everyone get this bit of technology - sounds fascinating.
Sunset from Mull