Too quiet out there
Posted: Monday, 10 September 2007 |
Too quiet 'cause somebody had a logjam methinks.
Hyper-Borean from In hiding
What is "normal"??? what does it mean??I thought to be on isl
carol from where its b****y windy
What is "normal"??? what does it mean??I thought to be on island blogging you had to be insane!!
carol from where its b****y windy
Seemingly it's all down to the new Spam filter that Anne's ordered from one of the shopping channels on their Kitchen Gadget Special Hour. Chrissie Mary's looking for a guga baster if they've got any.
Annie B from the usual
I hope Chrissie Mary's's not going to put the guga baster to the same use as some do with the turkey variety. She's a respectable spinster after all!
FC from Bast-worshipping
Methinks any form of insanity is preferable to writers block [or a kitchen block].
Plaid from where it is warm[ish]
Dearest Arnod - when I am quiet, I make myself an expert. Tonight I shall stand with glass in hand, staring into nothing as though forming an opinion and tomorrow I (may) blog
diamondbigdod from somewhere quite distant
Can't wait for that opinion. I look forward, fearfully, to hearing it in all its unexpurgated glory at some point over the weekend. I'll have a glass in hand and be thoughfully scratching my chin. Listening intently.
ArdnortRupshot from Nort by somewhere distant
This is the sort of excitement that makes islandblogging so special.
Flying Cat from glass-go
Chrissie Mary does not need a baster. Wind dried guga is best. # A glass in hand, and glassy eyed? Is that the way of Tondra? Not with Fredblog? Harris will never recover from his arrival.
mjc from NM, USA
How does one utilise wind-dried guga in the assisted conception stakes?
Flying Cat from puzzled&confused
It's used whole, FC. Trust you to ask.
mjc from NM, USA
I'm a trustworthy puss.
Flying Cat from a hard stare
Of course, Fredblog is in Lewis not Harris. Same difference though. # As with Crocker and Petraeus, or Petraeus and Crocker: same sing song. Same bl**dy dirge. What a tragedy. You do well to live and stay on Tondra, ArdnortRupshot.
mjc from NM,USA
Right, Trondra, not Tondra. Anything going on in Trondra in terms of gainful activity. Fishing, artists etc? Or do the locals who still work have to commute? Where to? Just curious.
mjc from NM, USA
It's got a bridge so they probably commute to Scalloway, Lerwick and beyond. Or maybe Burra...
Flying Cat from a bridge too far
We (the Trondra Men) used a line in our Scalloway Fire Festival performance one year about the bridge to Burra being "a bridge too far". Whilst it got the expected laughs in the Scalloway and Tingwall Halls, an eerie hush descended when we used the line in the Burra Halls.
ArdnortRupshot from No far ower da brig
That must have been a close shave, ArdnortR. I am surprised you were not delayed at the Burra Halls to allow one of the Burra volunteers to put some plastic under that bridge. That's water ... etc. Oh well, I hope all is forgiven.
mjc from NM, USA
Wake up, wake up Ardnort. Weekend will be here soon!
mjc from NM, USA
Oh well, Ardnort, weekend dang come and gone ...
mjc from NM, USA
ArdnortRupshot from Sleepy hollow
Got a feeling Ardnort will have lots of tales to tell us soon
diamondbigdod from I know something you don't know
Come on diam. with the guilty knowledge: give us a clue.
mjc from NM, USA
Liff moves at a pace undreamt of by snails...
Flying Cat from The Sunroom of Eternity
When ArdnortR. wakes up, it might well be deamed a bl**dy miracle.
mjc from NM, USA
"deemed" not "deamed" - blame the keyboard.
mjc from NM, USA
"Too quiet out there" ... You're telling me! Some snooze he is taking.
mjc from NM,USA
So FC - What is the meaning of liff?
ardnort rubshot from Over there
42. *sigh* I'm sure we've been here before...not in a re-incarnated sort of way, but on another blog...lost in the gloomy depths of the blogosphere, where only the brave of heart and stout of mouse venture.
Flying Cat from so long...
He is not only resuscitated but philosophizing. Amazing things happen on Trondra. What next? Ardnort will be after the meaning of death. Hope you have an answer ready, FC. I am all agog.
mjc from NM, USA
Flying Cat from not looking forward to it much
Another syncope, Ardnort? Or is it all in the air you breathe?!
mjc from NM, USA
When you get back to Trondra, from our side of the Atlantic it would seem, Ardnot., let's have the pics and the stories. In the meantime, enjoy yourself.
mjc from NM, USA
Maiden comment. How the heck does this thing work? Like to think I'm literate, folks, but it's headbanging hard to describe the total loss I felt while gazing across the waters at tiny lit-up homesteads on Trondra from my Scalloway window in the dead of a 2007 January night. Need some coaching I guess. Any experienced bloggers out there to give me a hand?
Ted from West Yorkshire