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16 October 2014

newsonjura - July 2008

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Why are they protected?

We note with interest that our recent Blog to the 91Èȱ¬ site, on the associations of the Overland Route and the Jura Community Council has not been published.

Our freedom of speech is again diminished. What a sad day for those islanders who have no where else to go with their complaints.
Posted on newsonjura at 09:13

Overland Route gains behind the scene

What a disappointment it is to see how things are developing on Jura. We have always supported the idea of the passenger ferry to the mainland as projected by the Jura Initiative at the Edge group. They are to be congratulated on how hard they worked to provide this service for Jura, which clearly had the backing of the island.

How sad they must be to read the articles in the Jura Jottings and the Ileach. The wording about getting to Lochgilphead faster than the Islay to Kennacraig route is almost exact that which comes from the ill founded organisation the Overland Route Company. What hand have they had in the setting up of the passenger ferry?

We had heard sometime ago the rumour that officials on the mainland had commented that this would be the ideal test for the overland route. At the time we dismissed this as innuendos. Perhaps we should now look at the agendas of those involved in promoting and funding the passenger ferry.

Jura Community Council have been at pains to make us think they are on top of the Port Askaig problem but what of the association with the Overland Route Co? Do they honestly think we can be led up another path, whilst this group has continual correspondence with council officials and MSP’s. Has an agreement been reached whereby at the end of the passenger trial the Council will take onboard the promotion of the overland route. WE BELIEVE SO

The other members of Jura Community Council should demand to know what is happening. Remember the people of the island elect you.

We must apologies to the people of Jura for not noticing this unholy alliance earlier. Our commiserations to the members of the Jura Initiative at the Edge group, it is not your fault if you have been misled.

We understand from a ‘source’ that another party is already asking for an investigation into how the passenger service has been funded. You also must ask questions. On the 1st of August at the official opening for the ferry, Argyll & Bute Councilors and MSP’s will be present. Go to the hall and challenge them. Make clear that you do not want any kind of overland route. United we can stop this rot.


Posted on newsonjura at 12:51

Closed again

Why are our blogs not being processed
Posted on newsonjura at 15:41

A step forward

There is a major deer issue in the village of Craighouse. Not just deer eating plants but elderly people are actually frightened to go out of their homes in the new Care Centre because of the large stags. This issue has been put to the Community Council and nearby estates for months now. And what has happened? Nothing. Is there a reason that stags are left in the good pastures round Craighouse so that they grow big antlers? Perhaps the large land owning ‘so called conservationists’ have a plan. Do we suspect that people are not included in this plan? How wonderful for the ‘guests’ if the whole island could be turned over to deer. How useful for the planned venison butchering unit.

Locally questions are being asked about why the Deer Commission for Scotland is not taking action to help the common people of Jura. Is their remit not the control of deer? Or are they just there for the benefit of the landowner’s. The Community Council is now writing to the Deer Commission to ask for their help. So quick of the mark. The people of Jura should be proud of their passion and speed.

Well there are changes within the Community Council on how they conduct business. Great. We have been calling for this for some time. WHAT A GREAT SUCCESS FOR US.

The mighty Islay and Jura Ferry Company and Overland Route Co wait for Argyll and Bute Council to consider their proposal. How long do the people of Jura have to suffer harassment from these groups? It has been made clear on many occasions by public vote that no one wants this overland route. Despite the now clear association of the Jura Initiative at the Edge group and the overland proposal. How long is Argyll & Bute Council going to allow them, to keeping wasting public time and money. It is time for you Argyll and Bute to throw this stupid plan out. Why are this group even given a place on the Community Council agenda?

‘Deer’ people of Jura, together we can stop this nonsense of a massive venison plant on this island. We must also make the roads safe for our four legged friends by stopping the senseless and discredited Overland Route.

Posted on newsonjura at 15:33

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