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16 October 2014

Wild Freckle

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What's that orange thing in the sky called again??

Yesterday was lovely on Mull - after so many days of rain with only the odd glimpse of sun, I had forgotten what it looked like! So off we went to Calgary - when we arrived we were the only ones - it was fantastic - Hannah through wellies and socks off and was paddling - would love to show the picture but feel a bit uncomfortable about putting her picture on the internet - so many odd people about if you get my meaning! She, Jessie and I had a whale of a time! We came the long way back via Ulva Ferry - the sea was dead calm and mirror like - and yes, we have snow on Mull - albeit right at the summit of Ben More - but it is there! A great day and all cobwebs duly blown away.

Sun setting over Loch Na Keal

Loch Na Keal

Snow at the very top of Ben More!

The Sound of Ulva

Buzzard with mantled wings - cant quite see whether he/she has something between the claws!

Jessie swimming in the sea in December! She is 12 yrs old and arthritic but does she care??"
Posted on Wild Freckle at 16:00


Can't see your photos for some reason?

Bill from Aberdeen

Good to have you back. We only came up on Saturday so have been very lucky to catch the sun. Ben More looked lovely this morning in the sunrise. Been to Tobermory today - it poured. Battening down the hatches now for the winds tomorrow.

Tindra from Usually Sussex but Lochdon at moment

Oh well, the pictures will get posted tomorrow. Should we blame it on Carol at IBHQ? What's the honeymoon period by the way (no Carol, you are not being asked)? 24 hours or less? That's what I thought (I did not say: that was my experience, thank you. I hold life - or is it liff? - rather precious).

mjc from NM,USA

Is it just me, or are all of the pics not showing up?

CVBruce from CA,USA

I'd love to see your Mull photos but they are not showing to me, is it me? can others see, ......I think you are very wise not showing photos of your child, I really do not understand people who constantly post photos of children and grandchildren and give their names and location,

island threads from lewis

great photos now I can see them and I'm pleased to see it wasn't me... thanks to whoever made this possible,

island threads from lewis

I can see them, and very nice they are too!!

Billy Mac from Old Kilpatrick

Very nice. Worth the wait!

mjc from NM,USA

Lovely pics, particularly the one of Ben More, with the dragon smoke around the summit. Surely it's a vole? I'm a connoisseur of small rodents. Somehow they're not quite as appreciative as I would like. Ah it's a Wonderful Liff...

Fflying Cat from Smaug's lair

sorry folks - the problem of not seeing the photos was mine - I interfered with the code which meant they didnt show - glad to see they are fixed - FC I thought it was a vole but when I enlarge it on the computer it looks a bit big for a vole - him indoors says its a knot in the wood - pah!

Wild Freckle from Mull

You just take him indoors right along to the optometrist Mrs Freckle...knots have feathers...and I can't see any on that thar rodent!

Flying Cat from masticating a large vole

thanks FC - the sad fact is he does have specs but vanity prevents him from wearing them when it counts - I've never seen a furry knot before! Poor old Pepper has not been herself - she suffers from Stress Cytistis and has had a nasty flare up - we're not sure what has set it off - she's normally pretty good - only things like moving house or going on "holiday" - we use pills and the feliway plug in things that really help - 2 big jabs from the vet, medicine to be administered twice a day (3 to hold her down!) and a large bill should see her right!

Wild Freckle from Gales and horizontal Rain on Mull

Wild Freckle, these photographs are simply fantastic. I love the Buzzard photo and the sun set, and the mountain, Oh heck, I love them all. I have such happy memories of holidays on Mull and especially Ulva. If I remember, the boatman was a real character and a most unusual way of getting his attention !! Lovely blog, thank you

Squidgy the Otter from Feeling nostaligic

Back down to Sussex on ferry tomorrow - not up again until probably March. Please keep the photos coming - I need my Mull fix!

Tindra from Signing off from Lochdon

Loch na Keal gets my vote - what an evocative picture! Can I copy it to my desks-top, WF?

Barney from Swithiod growing lighter daily

Hi Barney - just seen your comment - happy for you to copy Loch Na Keal - and thank you for asking! WF

Wild Freckle from Mull

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