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16 October 2014

Wild Freckle

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The last couple of days have been glorious here - clear blue skies and warm too though we did have our first frost night before last. I've been a bit off salts last couple of days - not sure if brewing some disease and pestulance but as always, I ignore it and hope it will go away. I decided I would go to Loch Frisa - its really beautiful and as there is no road nearby it can be really quiet - its a great spot for seeing the Sea Eagles, Golden Eagles, Hen Harriers and things I dont know the names of!

I went through the Glen Aros to Dervaig which is the long way round but very scenic - the colours are stunning at the moment - since moving here I have become so much more conscious of the colours around - you just cant miss it here - my senses have certainly sharpened and I notice more of the smaller things like the many varieties of butterflies and moths.

Anyway - just before entering Dervaig, something caught my eye - it was a stag with a huge set of antlers and his harem of about 10 hinds - he was roaring like a good 'un - great to see though. On to Loch Frisa - as I had my old geriatric arthritic springer with me - and the need to get back to pick Hannah up from school - just walked a couple of miles - enough for the view to take my breath away as ever. Just all alone with your own heartbeat and thoughts and the beauty all around - it never ceases to amaze me.

Quick cup of tea and a sandwich and back home.

Some pics for you - the new camera is great but I'm having trouble getting the picture size below 200k - I've got it on the lowest setting but they are coming out at about 250'ish - so can only show you the couple that were below 200 - does anyone have any suggestions - is there a setting I am missing??

Posted on Wild Freckle at 14:52


thanks yet again for a good blog and the great photos! so you're xmas early!! lucky you

carol from over here

The way to adjust picture size is by the use of an image editing programme. There is a good, well respected free one called Irfanview - "Irfan" is the maker's name. If you would like to go to http://www.irfanview.com/ and download it and then email me on septuagently@googlemail.com I will help you with the install and use of it. - if you need any help - 'cos I don't know how knowledgeable you are.

Septuagent from Stockton-on-Tees

Hi, Wild Freckle, lovely photos of Mull. I love Mull, it really is very photogenic at this time of year with the colours and all. I had the same problem as you re-sizing my photos, so I googled it and came up with Batch Photo pro, which is an excellent programme to resize and edit your photos. I think there are quite a lot of free programme on the Net to resize your photos, also Adobe Photoshop. Hope this helps.

Squidgy the Otter from Coll

WF, I take my pix on the biggest setting I can find, then shrink them to blog size on a photo software programme on my comp. The one I find easiest is HP Image Zone, but I think it's an obsolete model I use.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Oh dear - in my haste hit the wrong button so no labels for the photos - the first one is Coll from the hill above Dervaig - we can see you bloggers on Coll - then a couple of Loch Frisa, then the mountains not sure - need to check the map- unlesss MM can advise ??

Wild Freckle from Pressedpublishinsteadofeditbutton!

More lovely pics, WF. Your weather's been a lot better than it has here. Ist October today - only three months until I'm on Mull again. I am counting the days now, it's more important to me than Christmas!

Iz from N E Wales

thanks for your all hints on adjusting photos - will have a go!

Wild Freckle from Mull

hi wild freckle - I love reading your blog. I have family on Mull and it is my long term dream to move there. Just not poss at mo but I visit very regularly! I spent my summers in the old school house at Ulva Ferry - are you near it? Happy,happy days, never to be forgotten. I am glad to see you are tuning in the spectrum of colours. As an artist, I am sometime overwhelmed by the magic that is Mull. Have a nice day! mx

margaret gilbertson from ek

Hi Margaret - we are on the outskirts of Salen - not too far from Ulva Ferry - I agree it's beautiful down there - nearly always guaranteed of seeing an otter there too - I still pinch myself that this is home now - like you it was a dream but shows they can come true - I hope yours does too one day!

Wild Freckle from dryingoutonMull

Hi Freckle - My Uncle used to stay in Salen. I liked the house but it was a bit busy for me compared to Ulva Ferry!!! My family are now round at Lochdon so solitary walks are mine once more. I have been visiting for nearly 30 years since I was seven. Oh god how long??? Anyway, my gran didn't move up to Mull till she was 80 so I still have time! mx

margaret gilbertson from ek

I know what you are mean - fortunately we are far enough out of the village for it to be quiet but near enough for little one to walk to school - I did the circuit round Calgary to Ulva ferry today - will post pics when I get 5 mins WF

Wild Freckle from reallysunnymull

Where've you gone?? I'm missing my Mull fix! Please post photos of Calgary to Ulva. We're back up to Lochdon at beginning of Dec.

tindra from Sussex at mo, but also Lochdon

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