We've been planting trees in the waste ground beside our playground.
We planted different types of native Orcadian trees and we planted about 500 trees in two days. We have also started a bog garden area. We have designed a plan which will make the whole area attractive to wildlife and visitors.
The trees will take a long time to grow as it is sometimes very windy beside the school, usually during the winter. We have a weather station and have recorded wind speeds up to 88mph! The trees in the field next to the school are over 15yrs old and they are only about 1.5 metres high. We hope our trees will grow a bit taller because they are native trees.
The next thing to do is to get the big hole filled with soil. We have to wait until the ground is a bit drier so the tractor doesn't get stuck. We will then be able to plant more trees and plants that like boggy conditions like Irises.
Next term we hope to get on with planning a shelter and finding sculpture to go in our garden.
We've had lots of help from our community, Anne our Eday ranger and Jenny from the tree nursery. A big thankyou to everyone who helped us.
Posted on Eday School blog at 21:58
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