Goodbye to Chris
Posted: Wednesday, 12 September 2007 |
Stromness D., sorry re: Chris. My prayers for his wife and family.
mjc from NM,USA
Sympathy from Lewis.
calumannabel from fivepenny
i never knew the guy,but i sure feel very sad for his family--went through the same thing with late hubby!
carol from feeling sad for chris's family
I think I know the blog - and I was wondernig where that blogger went. How awful that he was ill and died! Is there any way to pull up an old post of his and put it on the main page in honor of him?? How incredibly sad.
Michelle Therese from Things Go Moo in the Night...
This has taken me a while to think through. To begin with, I wondered if death isn't really an appropriate topic on IB, but thats silly. Of course it is. A blog is a web-log, or diary, and as such deals with daily occurence. And although death is not something we deal with by choice, it is nevertheless a certainty for us all, the only single thing we all have in common. It's strange, but I do feel part of a community here on IB, and like to think of my fellow I-bloggers as friends. We all have a laugh together, support each other through hard times, argue about things, all the sort o stuff I do with my 'non-virtual' friends. I looked back at Ferrylouper's Views, and saw that he enjoyed planting some trees. A nice legacy I think. Anyway, I'll be raising a glass to the Ferrylouper tonight.
Ruthodanort from Unst
This is sad news indeed. Thanks for letting us know. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Annie B from the usual
I will, again, add my condolences to Chris's family.
mjc from NM, USA
Sorry to hear you've lost a friend. May he rest in peace. Amen.
G. Lombardi from USA
I was so sorry to hear this sad news and even more sorry that my original comment wasn't published. Our thoughts are with Chris's family.
Annie B from the usual
Well written indeed Ruth.
Flying Cat from adding mine
I see all the comments have now appeared. Well put, Ruth, and I too remember the Ferrylouper and regret that he is no more.
Jill from EK
I am sorry to learn of his passing. Sympathies to friends and family.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
I'll pass on your kind thoughts to Chris's family - it's nice to know that people are thinking about him. Yes Ruth, he was a big gardener. His son told me that during his last days he was particularly concerned with the cover on the polytunnel - my husband has been recruited to help replace it next year.
Stromness Dragon from The kitchen