I Can Hear the Grass Grow
Posted: Sunday, 20 May 2007 |
What a well tended garden. An inspiration to us all (to me, at any rate).
mjc from NM,USA
thanks for the nice photos-you seem to be having good weather
carol from planting more tomatoes
Oh....that's how fpu should have set the canes for her beans.....hmmmm. In the Rolling Acres 'wildflower meadow', we have some of the Tree Wife's ox-eye daisies from her allotment, not a spit and a hop from yours...
Flying Cat from Rolling Acres
FC, your bipeds could simply pop over and help Stromness harvest.
mjc from NM,USA
Hope your garden does well for you, look forward to the day when I may garden. As it is, we have rabbits everywhere and would have to "fortify" before planting. We do have a nice lawn for them though (before it gets too hot and turns brown!), don't know what to do about the gophers though. Do you have problems there with such wildlife? (Not the pub variety).
macQ from NMtoo, USA
Alright, I'll fess up, FC, I didn't design the runner bean affair. It was done by my chief engineer and adviser on all matters involving cane and bits of string. He put up exactly the right number of strings for the plants, and when I suggested planting more beans in the ground I was soundly berated for messing up the system. Hey ho. We too have a 'wild flower meadow' that covers most of our garden. There's a green cone in it somewhere.
Stromness Dragon from The duvet of well-earned rest
In response to your question, macQ, an American visitor once asked me 'what kinda critters do you have here?' The answer is, not a lot! In Orkney we have about half the number of wild mammals that you find in Scotland. There are no squirrels, stoats, weasels or foxes (although one chap I know claims he's seen a fox). It's a grand place to keep hens. We do have rabbits, hares, otters (they have their own special sign in Kirkwall!), mice, rats and our own species of vole!
Stromness Dragon from Inside today
Oh, I'd love to have a garden like that!
Nathalitanis from Rotterdam, NL
FC, does Tree Wife have the plot up the top with the huuuge rhubarb plant? I may know her.....
Stromness Dragon from Daisyless
Gophers, MacQ: check with USDA office (Jefferson/Osuna area), animal control: they sell traps (reasonably priced), and they are effective: works like mouse traps though and kills the gophers. Good luck to you.
mjc from NM,USA
You probably do....but I don't remember the huge rhubarb plant...shoulder length brown hair, slim, in her prime (I was told to say that by another ihp person!) is a landscape gardener, lives in a lane on the landward side, has an offspring in the US that knows our babybipeds. They're very nice daisies.
Flying Cat from strewing clues
Re Tree Wife, yeah I think I get the picture! I'll request daisies when I see her next. Nice one.
Stromness Dragon from Should really be working