hiding in the wild raspberry
Posted: Thursday, 15 May 2008 |
It looks very cute indeed.
Carol from IBHQ
As for figure drawing.. it is true, some of the best stuff I ever did I couldn't see what I was doing and it holds up. Leave the glasses home. The other trick I learned was to not look at what I had done for two weeks until I had "forgotten" how involved I was with it, then turn it around and look. (I was younger then, it could happen sooner now - ggg)
Jordi Waggoner from new york
H'm, rabbit looks cute, maye misses mum but she is sizing up the patch... nocturnal raid here, extra calories there, mum's the word! BUy a .22 or a powerful air rifle. and then you can have rabbit stew, too!
Barney from swithiod don't trust a rabbit
Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint
Well Francis if they decide to dig a hole you have a problem, However if you enjoy underground mutton with a few vegies the problem is easyly fixed.Regards,
roy from Sofala.Oz
all this rabbit eating is not on the menu for this veggie!!!!! hoping the bird of prey is still hungry or rabbit goes up on the moor,
island threads from lewis
thanks Jordi, I like the leave it 2 weeks idea,
island threads from lewis