Grinneas nan Eilean
Posted: Saturday, 05 January 2008 |
By far the best B&W IMHO is the scissors and sewing kit by Colin Robertson. A proper Silver Gelatin print with proper blacks to.
# from Here
I went to Grinneas also, only whilst I was there you could only view the pictures from a distance of around 8 feet, in order to avoid stepping upon or injuring the small children finger-painting around the edges of the room ... :-) I also wished that they could've displayed the name of the artist more clearly, as I invariably had to bend down and squint for most of them ...! Did you 'get' then one with the wide black and white stripes ...?!
soaplady from fighting new years torpor
# I agree but the photo I took has reflection just as many others did so I couldn't post them, soaplady I agree I couldn't see why the lower pictures didn't have the lable above or to the side, I was also irritated by how high some were,
usland threads from ness
another of my comments lost in bbc blogland, # I too like the Sewing Kit and took a photo but couldn't post it as it has reflection on it from the lights, Soaplady I agree about the hidden labels, I don't see why the labels on the lower work could not have been put above the work or next to it, I also did not like how high some of the work is,
island threads from ness
Hi, I am the one who painted Seamus, glad you appreciated the painting and thanks for the added publicity too! I was impressed with the way the exhibition was displayed and the range of styles that were on display. Roll on the next exhibition!
Margaret Agnes Maclean from Point