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16 October 2014

Island Threads

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well my attempt into creating art work that makes a statement failed so I guess I should stick to the pretty stuff and leave statement Art to those that can do it better than me,

the met with a deafening silence (no comments) and the made some people comment on the Iraq war and most concentrated on men and war when the point of the journals quilts is the Killing of Children,

some people did understand but the fact that the first comment was so far from what the journals were about means I did not get my point across,
CHILDREN were KILLED, also I had written in large print:
USA Prestwick Israel Qana
then in small print:
ashamed to be british
I thought that writing the first part larger would alert people to the fact that that was the most important wording and that the smaller writing was referring to the incident in the large writing but judging from the comments I don鈥檛 think I succeeded, I would welcome any comments that would help you as a viewer to realise what the important point of an Art work is,

I found it curious that comments seemed more interested in my side comment of women nurturing and men killing than in the KILLING of CHILDREN and one commenter even seemed to imply that because women have killed too that makes it OK,

I have throughout my life been told I see things differently to most, I mistakenly thought the journals would make people more aware of the senseless Killing of Innocent Children,

Posted on Island Threads at 21:46


IT, if by my comments I`ve upset or offended you, my apologies. I DID indeed recognise your own comments on the killing of children, but you ALSO did comment on the nurturing nature of women versus the aggession of men and that is just one part I chose to comment on. (please also note, I did not condone killing because `women had killed too` but do know it happens and to bemoan and bewail it solves nothing in the real world) Also, might I just say, if you didn`t intend for the `ashamed to be British` comment to be noticed and picked up upon it might have been better to not include it in your artwork. Art is a subjective matter for many, through your own displayed here I saw political comment which I responded to, clumsily some might say, but with honesty. Again, accept my apologies for any unintended upset, I`ll not comment any further and wish you well with your artwork. :-)

Hermit from Sanday

Killing a fellow human, for any reason, is wrong, and the little children always seem to be the ones who suffer most. The death or murder of children in a war zone, is always used as propaganda, by one or other side. Who is right and who is wrong ? In my opinion, they are all wrong. Keep showing your journals, even though I didn't quite get it either.

Little Donna from Stornoway

How can engendering a discussion producing 18 comments be a failure? I do think the combination of fabric art and text is hard to pull off though.

Flying Cat from in sympathy

surely all art is seen subjectivly through the eyes of the person viewing it. The observer of your art cannot see into your mind or know what it means to you while you are creating that art and is therefore left open to interpretation by the viewer. If you want people to know exactly what you mean then you will have to write a long explanation to place by each piece. I have also created pieces which would be hard for others to grasp, but have not taken the brave step as you have to exhibit these pieces to see if others can see what i am trying to say. Don't be upset or offended by their opinions, use their views to work out how to put your message across diferently if this is what you want your work to be. You didn't fail, you got a reaction, just not on the exact points you wanted to get across. Keep up your origional style of art, at least you are brave enough to put something so personal out there to be commented on.

tanith from point

while i'm here.....can you tell me more about the lewis art club as i can't seem to find any info about it anywhere and realy want to come along at some point...

tanith from point

I'm willing to bet that the silence was due to the fact that no words can really describe how these things make us feel inside. I mean...why post some cheesy comment that will just cheapen the situation? Sometimes silence is the best reply.

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

...but hard to read.

Flying Cat from The Sunroom of Eternity

first Hermit I am not offended or upset but I so want to understand why when you first saw the journals you thought 'Iraq', yes I know you posted again saying you then realised you had the wrong war, but I wonder what it was about the work that made you initially think Iraq?

island threads from lewis

I am ashamed Britain allowed missiles through Prestwick for Israel to use to kill children, if you follow the link and listen to the bbc programme you will hear save the children say half the people killed in Lebanon were children, I am not proud of this, I assumed when you said you are proud that you were referring to everything British which I was not but perhaps you are not and you are proud that missiles passing through Prestwick were used to kill children,

island threads from lewis

bemoaning and bewailing, if talking about the killing of children won't stop it then how can it be stopped? you may have thrown in the towel Hermit but I never will, I want my grandchildren to live in a better world,

island threads from lewis

thank you little Donna, I agree they are all wrong, I wish the armies could be put in an area away from innocent people and just fight each other,

island threads from lewis

thanks FC as down to earth as ever, in real life my initials are also FC so it always makes me smile when I write it鈥oophs type it,

island threads from lewis

tanith I am fully aware that the viewer brings something extra to the Art and no 2 people ever see things the same but some of the comments were so far off and I can鈥檛 think how I can make the work more clear, it intrigues me how others see Art work, the lewis art group meets the last Saturday of the month in the church opposite the post office in Francis street so the next meeting is 2 o'clock sat 28th April, hope to meet you,

island threads from ness

thanks Michelle, I had been wondering if no comment was boredom, lack of interest or don't know how to respond or even followed the links and so left the webpage, I have done several jobs in my life and in the 80s I was a theatre wardrobe mistress, when I worked on Harold Pinter's plays Other Places people walked out when they realised what the play said had happened to the child, they just couldn鈥檛 take it, understandable, but I'm not Pinter,

island threads from lewis

I agree with Michelle. What can one say apart from Yes I agree it's awful? Too much comment just diminishes the subject. It doesn't mean that the points you are making are not read and taken on board. Don't feel discouraged.

Jill from EK

In an ideal world, there would be no war, but the Lebanon situation, that you were blogging about, was not started by Israel, they were/are not the ones firing rockets into civilian areas every day, and they have a right/duty to defend themselves. The terrorists/freedom fighters, hide amongst populated areas, knowing that if they are hit so are everyone else, and, of course it makes good news coverage. No side is totally right in this awful mess, but I can umderstand both sides points of view, but not the violence...

Tws from Lewis

What IT is doing is to express her feelings, as well as attempt to sensitize and educate us/remind us of the horrors of war, particularly in connection with children. Her efforts are laudable. We need not agree on all the premises or the specific conclusions. I certainly don't.

mjc from NM,USA

I say mjc, sometimes you are remarkably succinct. For an American....

Flying Cat from les liasons dangereux

FC: not all Americans are alike, as you are well aware (or should be).

mjc from NM,USA

Thank goodness you told me...I could have put my paw right in it on another blog!

Flying Cat from The Irony Board

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