Back in blogging land
Posted: Thursday, 25 March 2004 |
Thanks to the readers who have enquired where I am. The explanation for my absence is that I have been off sick for a few weeks. However, I am now back in blogging land and able to enjoy being out amongst the newly awakening countryside. The early lambs are here and the garden is filled with birds squabbling over the nuts and berries. Dunlins, coal-tits, goldfinches, yellow-hammers and the usual collection of chaffinches, blue-tits and robins......
I have watched more TV than usual lately, including a fair dose of news. No wonder people get depressed: there is drama everywhere, in reality TV, soaps, documentaries and news commentaries. One of the comments waiting for me online was from someone deconstructing God. Well - the best response to that I saw on the box was in the film, "A Beautiful Mind" There, the beloved shows John Nash (schizophrenic genius) that it is impossible to give a mathematical proof that the universe is infinite, but that mathematics tends to depend on this assumption anyway. Similarly, she shows that human love has to be believed rather than proven. In my view of the infinite, there is God who loves and loves and keeps on loving. As to the rest....the suffering and the dreadful state we human beings make of things...well, I don't know all the answers, but I do know we are unique because we can make choices. Every Easter, I am alive because I know the expression of God's love.
But then, that is my job, my vocation and my life.
Posted on GodBlog at 10:10
I am acting as foster mother of a beautiful black labrador. Her family, who are my friends, are going through the pain of watching and waiting for the death of their father. He is 42 and has lost his fight against leukemia. Tomorrow he moves to a hospice. He,his three children and his wife nave not been contributed to "the suffering and the dreadful state we human beings make of things"
God love them.
kay from east sussex
Point taken, Kay. Suffering and sorrowing cannot be explained away.
Godblog from Seil
Dear Godblog, so nice to hear from some-one with such a deep and living sense of spirituality and Godliness. much enjoyed.........thanks
firefly from Edinburgh
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