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Patrick Hennessey

Patrick has two roles in the local area

Fact title Fact data
Played by:
Oliver le Sueur
Wildlife expert

In his day job, he works for Borsetshire Wildlife Trust. He's advised on various projects in Ambridge, including the birdwatching hide at Arkwright Lake, and Bridge Farm's waste water purification system.

There are over twenty species in this small area
Patrick Hennessey

And as he is also a talented pianist, he is frequently recruited to help out with village shows.

met him when he was shopping in Ambridge Organics and through his friendship she started to volunteer with the Wildlife Trust. But they were always "just good friends".

Key relationships

(Friend) - And fellow environmental enthusiast

(Creative colleague) - They've worked on village shows together

Oliver Le Sueur

Oliver previously appeared in The Archers as Helen's unsuitable boyfriend Ross Kirby.

Television credits include Law and Order, Doctors, Midsomer Murders - and Margaret, in which he played Mark Thatcher.

He has frequently appeared in Shakespearean roles at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol and nationally.