Main content
Musicbrainz is a music database that covers artists, works, releases and recordings. Any artist in Musicbrainz will have a corresponding entry in TUPAC.
Before You Start
See the for details of how to setup an account. A Musicbrainz account is required to add an artist or work.
How To Add An Artist
- Search to ensure the artist does not already exist.
- Click on the Editing drop-down and select Add Artist.
- Enter as much information as you have including birth date and country of birth. If the artist has the same name as an existing artist, add additional information to disambiguate them.
- External Links are essential to verify that the artist exists. These may include social media profile pages, a Wikipedia entry or the artist's own website.
- Click on Enter Edit
If the artist’s name is in non-Latin script (e.g. Cyrillic) this must be used in Musicbrainz with their English name added to the Aliases tab.
If the artist is a composer, add 'composer' as a tag in the Tags tab.
How To Add A Work
- Check that the work hasn't already been added by going to the Relationships tab on the composer's page and use Ctrl+F to search for the title.
- If not, scroll down to the Editing section on right-hand side and select Add work.
- Enter as much information as you have including the type of work (e.g. opera).
- Under Relationships, ensure that the composer is added with the 'composer' relationship type.
- External Links should be specific to the work not the composer.
- Click on Enter Edit
If the work is an arrangement or orchestration it must be associated with the original work.