The abdominal crunches group
We asked this group to complete a set of abdominal exercises with the aim of testing whether we can exercise belly fat away directly. Our volunteers did this 4 times per week – alternating days.
Following a single plank set to warm up, held for 20-30 seconds, the group completed 3 sets of each of the 6 main exercises.
Forearm Plank
This variation, also one of the most common ways to perform a plank, is slightly easier than holding the body up with just the hands. Place the forearms on the ground with the elbows aligned below the shoulders, and arms parallel to the body at about shoulder-width distance.
If flat palms bother your wrists, clasp your hands together.
(Note: Any of the following plank variations can be performed with straight arms or in a forearm position.)
Knee Plank
This plank is noticeably easier to hold than the traditional straight-arm plank, making it great for beginners because it allows them to concentrate on form.
By resting the knees on the ground, there’s less stress on the lower back.
Rest your knees on a rolled up mat or towel if they feel uncomfortable on the floor.
Basic sit-up
Keep hands on the chest or by the temples but not clasped behind the head to avoid injury to the neck by over pulling.
Anchor the feet under a support to avoid the feet coming off the floor or keep the legs straight.
Try to keep the arms isolated (not moving) to avoid self-assistance and to work the abs more effectively.
Knee high crunches
You must get the upper back off the floor and aim to touch the knees with the elbows.
Again keep the hands by the sides of the head and squeeze the stomach when your elbows touch the knees.
Sit up and twist
Same movement as the sit up but at the top of the exercise rotate the body as above.
Alternate sides each time ensuring you work both sides.
Again anchor the feet or put the legs flat to stop the feet coming off the floor.
Basic crunches
Must get the upper back off the floor for the exercise to be effective.
Try to squeeze at the top of the movement keeping the stomach tight at all times.
Legs high crunches
Aim to keep the legs straight in the air and touch the toes but the upper back must come off the floor to be effective.
This is optional and would add resistance to the exercise.
Dorsal raises (superman)
Aim is to work the lower back muscles as after completing many abdominal exercises the lower back can get sore due to core muscle imbalances.
Get the legs and arms off the floor at the same time squeezing the lower back.