Semolina recipes
Semolina is a coarse pale-yellow flour ground from hard durum wheat and used to make traditional pasta. It can also be used to make pizza, bread and biscuit doughs as well as gnocchi. The term also refers to a British milk pudding, in which semolina is cooked slowly in milk and sweetened with sugar. This dish is served topped with a spoonful of honey, jam or fresh or dried fruit.
by Nargisse Benkabbou
Batbout is a delicious Moroccan flatbread. Slightly richer and fluffier than a pitta bread, you can fill them with sweet or savoury fillings.
More semolina recipes
See all recipes using semolina (106)
Buyer's guide
Semolina is not widely available but some supermarkets and health food shops stock coarser varieties (sometimes labelled ‘pudding’ semolina).