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Seeing in the dark - reflective materials (signed)


Wee Willie Winkie investigates light and reflective materials. He chooses the most suitable equipment for going out on a dark night.

Wearing reflective materials helps other people to see you in the dark; however, they will only work when a source of light - such as a torch, lamp or candle - reflects off them.

Classroom Ideas

Students could begin by discussing what went wrong for Wee Willie Winkie when he walked down the unlit street. Why did his reflective jacket stop working? Students could look at an example of reflective clothing and observe what happens when the light source is removed. They should conclude that reflective surfaces do not light up, but reflect the light that is shining on them. Challenge students to test other materials, objects and pieces of clothing to test their reflectiveness. The findings of their investigation could then be used to design a new outfit for Wee Willie Winkie to keep him safe in the dark. Students could relate this to their own lives and consider what they should wear if out walking or cycling in the dark.