
Calculating concentrations

The of a can be measured in g dm-3 or in mol dm-3. It is more useful to know the concentration of a in mol dm-3 as the of reactant in a given volume can be calculated.

Concentration using moles

The concentration of a solution can be calculated using:

  • the amount of in (mol)
  • the volume of solution (or ) in cubic decimetres (dm3)

The units for concentration can also be shown as mol dm3 or M (for 'molar'), but these mean the same as mol dm3.

Worked example

0.5 mol of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 2 dm3 of water. Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution formed.

Concentration in mol dm-3 = \(\frac{\textup{amount~of~solute~in~mol}}{\textup{volume~in~dm}^3}\)

Concentration = \(\frac{\textup{0.5~mol}}{\textup{2~dm}^3}\)

Concentration = 0.25 mol dm-3

Volume units

Volumes used in concentration calculations must be in dm3, not in cm3. It is useful to know that 1 dm3 = 1,000 cm3. This means:

  • divide by 1,000 to convert from cm3 to dm3
  • multiply by 1,000 to convert from dm3 to cm3

For example, 250 cm3 is 0.25 dm3 (250 梅 1000). It is often easiest to convert from cm3 to dm3 before continuing with a concentration calculation.


100 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid contains 0.02 mol of dissolved hydrogen chloride. Calculate the concentration of the acid in mol dm-3.

Converting between units

The , Mr, of the solute is used to convert between mol dm-3 and g dm-3:

  • to convert from mol dm-3 to g dm-3, multiply by the Mr
  • to convert from g dm-3 to mol dm-3, divide by the Mr

Worked example

Calculate the concentration of 0.1 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution in g dm-3. (Mr of NaOH = 40)

Concentration = 0.1 脳 40

= 4 g dm-3