
Practice log

It is useful to keep a practice log. Use it to record and reflect on:

  • when you practiced
  • what you practiced
  • how it went
  • what you need to do more work on
Laptop showing a practice log with Date, Title, Scales/Study and Next Steps

Keep a notebook with your music and write down points to remember. This might include notes that are wrong or not in tune, bowing or articulation that is not accurate or things you have not added yet such as dynamics, phrasing or rehearsing with the accompaniment.

Take your notebook to lessons and ask your teacher to give you next steps and comments so you do not forget. This will ensure you do not miss anything out and do not keep practicing the same thing all of the time.

Use the book to write down important dates such as concerts, assessments, class performances and events so you can plan ahead and be prepared.

Areas worthy of self-reflection include:

  • melodic accuracy/intonation - are the notes correct and in tune?
  • rythmic accuracy - are the rhythms correct and played in time?
  • tempo and flow - is the music played at the correct tempo/speed without any hesitations?
  • mood and character - is the music played in the correct style?
  • tone - is the instrument/voice used well, sounding clear and confident?
  • dynamics - are the volume contrasts, printed on the music, being played?