memoryThe part of a computer that stores data. is the component of the computer that holds dataUnits of information. In computing there can be different data types, including integers, characters and Boolean. Data is often acted on by instructions., programSequences of instructions for a computer. and instructionA single action that can be performed by a computer processor. that are currently in use.
Primary memory is built inside the computer. As a result, data can be read from and written to primary memory extremely quickly. This gives the CPU/processorCentral processing unit - the brain of the computer that processes program instructions. fast access to the data and instructions that the primary memory holds.
There are two types of primary memory:
ROMRead only memory. This is non-volatile memory or storage containing data that cannot be changed.
RAMRandom access memory. This is volatile memory that is constantly being written to and read from. It does not retain its contents without a constant supply of power. When a computer is turned off, everything stored in its RAM is lost.
ROM is non-volatile memoryA form of computer memory that stores data even when not powered., whereas RAM is volatile memoryThe memory used to store computer program data while it is being executed. RAM is the main type of volatile memory. It is volatile because when power is switched off it no longer retains any data.. Non-volatile memory keeps its contents even when the computer is switched off. Volatile memory loses its contents when unpowered.
Primary memory is comparatively limited in size, especially when compared with secondary storageNon-volatile memory external to the CPU and used for long-term storage of programs and data.. In a modern personal computer, primary memory is often around 4 GBGigabyte (GB) - a measurement of file size or storage capacity, 1,024 megabytes, or 1 billion bytes. in size.