

Approaches to develop social factors include communication drills and team-building exercises.

Communication drills

Communication drills involve setting up a specific drill to look at communication.

Communication shown by a player raising his hand to receive a pass

Communication drills can be set up specifically to look at the types of communication. For example, a drill may have a condition on it that makes the performer shout for the ball before it is passed. Or a drill may be set up to use different types of non-verbal communication such as hand signals.

Basketballer communicates with non-verbal hand signals
Image caption,
Basketballer communicates with non-verbal hand signals

Team-building exercises

Team-building exercises involve building key elements such a supporting one and other and working together.

There are many team-building exercises that can be incorporated into training sessions. Setting up a problem scenario within a performance may be used so that all team members have to take on different roles in order to solve the problem.