
Mental factors

Approaches to develop mental factors include conditioned drills and mental rehearsal.

Conditioned drills

The drill is set up with a specific condition that allow practice to be more purposeful.

A young female basketballer passes to a team-mate
Image caption,
Basketballer passes to team-mate

These drills could allow you to focus on specific mental factors within your performance. Conditioned drills can be set up to make the performance take part in situations where key decisions have to be made. For example, in a fast break conditioned drill in basketball, various options can be set up relating to where the ball is passed to. This allows the performer to make key decisions in a game-like situation.

Mental rehearsal

Mental rehearsal allows the performer to have some cognitive preparation for the performance ahead. This requires a quiet place prior to the performance, where the performer can take themselves through key stages of their performance.

At each stage the performer should mentally rehearse the role and responsibility they have in that part of the performance. They should also mentally rehearsing successful outcomes.