Time to get physical with two dance sessions inspired by extreme sports - including rock climbing and wind surfing.
1. Kayaking and rock climbing. audio
The first session is inspired by kayaking, rock climbing and snowboarding.
2. Wind-surfing and sky-diving. audio
The second dance session is inspired by wind-surfing and sky-diving.
Extreme sports
This unit of two dance sessions includes individual, paired and group sequences inspired by a selection of exciting, challenging and energetic extreme sports. In the first session the activities include kayaking, rock climbing and snowboarding. In the second session it's wind-surfing and sky-diving.
Download / print guidance on using the dance sessions in this unit (pdf)
Other units of KS2 Dance Workshop
In the gym. collection
Two dance sessions focusing on personal health and fitness inspired by a gym workout.
South American Carnival. collection
Three sessions exploring the samba rhythms and steps of the Rio Carnival.
Romans. collection
A series of KS2 dance sessions for primary pupils aged 7 - 11 exploring the theme of Romans.