Arrival, departure
Posted: Sunday, 09 March 2008 |
I know exactly how you feel and hope you will find peace an the safe haven that is "small community,life"
carol from over here
I truly do wish you peace and contentment ... Really I do ... But experience has shown me that this comes from *inside*, and not by moving locations ... We all carry our mental baggage around with us, just like its physical counterpart, wherever we go ... I wish it were otherwise ...
soaplady from sorry to be proposing caution ...
George Mackay Brown? He with the jutting jaw and the insatiable thirst? Pretty good writing (though he should have tried harder to find the strength to treat Stella better, methinks). Not bad at all...
mjc from NM,USA
'Tis a hard lesson to learn. I know, I'm going through it myself at the moment. But..there is light, freedom and peace at the end of the tunnel. Keep going - you'll be the stronger for it.
Ellie from down here
Ive just read your blog Hope Later and oh how it echoes a part of me that I left behind sometime ago. Soon the only noise you will hear is the hailstones and raindrops and of the restless wind gently stirring life. Sometimes it is best to just walk away from something that your are not happy with, as you have one life, so live it how you would like to live it. The island life (though the bridge helps) is at times hard and frustrating, mainly due to weather and midges, but sometimes it opens its magic to you, and in those times remember that its you against mother nature, not some unknown person or your darkest thought stealing your sleep in the night.
Over the Sea to Sunny Skye from Skye
Island Blogs are fantastic becasue they combine all sorts of perspectives on life - Sunny's appaling experiences. Hope Later's casting herself upon the wheel of fortune and umpteen absolutley crazy comments with littel apparent connection with reality. But those crazy comments keep me coming back for more - it's worse than junk! Island Junk!! Hope Later, I'm sure that you have the wisdom and strength to prevail over hard times and come out the other side stronger and wiser. Island Bloggers stand at your side to support you!
Barney from Swithiod supportive
Many thanks for your thoughts and your consideration, all. Sorry to offload! As someone who has kept a private diary since 16 years of age, I'm not sure yet how I feel about this whole blogging thing. It kinda just fell out the other night.
Hope Later from not bloomin well there yet
Very wise comment and advice, Soaplady.
mjc from NM,USA
I hope islandbloggers feel free to offer their (individual) support where and when they choose. And to whom.
Flying Cat from not getting involved
Providing support takes lots of energy. Once I finish supporting Moo (a herculean task, as you may imagine), I am ready for a cup of tea and a dozen flapjacks (or IT's tea/eggs/baked beans and toast spread, not to mention Fair Isles' homemade bread[s]). # Arnish, how many psychiatrists are there in all the scottish islands combined? I suspect frightening supply scarcity (in relation to need/demand).
mjc from NM,USA
You don't want to over-indulge in them thar flapjacks and maple syrup mjc - the consequences are too awful to contemplate!
Flying Cat from a sturdy crutch
I think most of us have "been there" at some time in our lives. Most deal with it and eventually life works out. Hope yours does too - good luck.
Robert from Surrey