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16 October 2014

Island Wanderer

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Interisting - but the answer ???

Haven't bloged for a while; but since I did, there have still been incidents: first, storms and floods in October; then the extra hour and continued bad weather as the middle of November is almost upon us.
I draw the curtains early now, during the night keeping occupied with reading and the various other technological passtimes.
Climate change and Global warming don't look as if they are going to diminish in the diffirent medias, nor indeed, does it seem that Nuclear power is getting any less attention.
Thousands take up the cry of our need to take heed of the pollution problem. Are we going to cover the land with Wind turbines and change the appearance of the country as a whole. Some say Nuclear power plants might well be the answer, but then other serious problems arise.
Anyway, here on a small hebridean island, such issues could be a million miles away. But strangely nature does make it quite clear to the observer variations in its workings even passively considered.
I am led to understand that the world as a whole is slowly becoming a dangerous place to live in. Are we going to feel the full brunt of it all soon, or long after I leave this scene. Well it will be about Forty years before I'm a hundred years of age.
Posted on Island Wanderer at 01:01


IW. Hope you are well and glad to see you active on the keyboard. Have I noticed a change in your stance against nuclear power ?. You used to say that nuclear was completely unacceptable but now I feel your writings suggest more tollerance towards it - or am I miss reading you? To assist the 'nuclear' debate I suggest standing back a little. Nuclear power celebrated (um, not my best choice of word) it's 50th year this year. In that 50 years nuclear power has had no impact on the global environment. In that same 50 years the buring of coal and oil in our everyday life has had a serious and negative impact on the global condition of the earth's atmosphere.

Tony from Coll

where i live it is a nice area

kirstymccuaig from lochgilphead

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